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小学教师个人年终工作总结 篇1



这一学期,在教育教学工作中,我始终坚持党的教育方针,面向全体学生,教书育人,为人师表,确立“以学生为主体”,“以培养学生主动发展”为中心的教学思想,重视学生的个性发展,重视激发学生的创造能力,培养学生德、智、体、美、劳全面发展。我在思想上严于律己,热爱教育事业。时时以一个好教师的身份来约束自己,鞭策自己,力争在思想上、工作上取得进步,得到提高,使自己能顺应社会发展的需要,适应岗位竞聘的需要。一学期来,我还积极参加各类学习,深刻剖析自己工作中的不足,找出自己与其他教师间的差距,写出心得体会,努力提高自己的政治水平和理论修养。同时,服从学校的工作安排,配合领导和老师们做好校内外的各项工作。 “学海无涯,教无止境”,作为一名教师,只有不断充电,才能维持教学的青春和活力。随着社会的发展,知识的更新,也催促着我不断学习。所以,本学期,除了积极参加政治理论学习外,我还积极进行业务学习,提高自己的工作能力和业务素养,使自己能够更好的胜任自己的教师工作。结合课程改革利用书籍、网络,认真学习课程改革相关理论,学习他人在教育教学中好的经验、方法等。通过学习,让自己树立了先进的教学理念,也明确了今后教育教学要努力的方向。







































小学教师个人年终工作总结 篇2

























小学教师个人年终工作总结 篇3


Since engaging in a teacher, being a good teacher is my goal.Over the past year, I have always treated my work with a diligent and solid attitude.At this moment, the end of the year is now summarized.


1. Thoughts and morality


In one year of education and teaching work, I can earnestly study the relevant education policy of the country, seriously study the party's advanced theoretical knowledge and the spirit of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and consciously practice the spirit of the "three representatives", love the education cause, and never always do not always do not always do not always do not always do not always do not always do not always.Forget the responsibilities of people's teachers, love schools, and students.As a teacher, I have strictly demanded myself, and continuously improved myself through the continuous improvement of political thoughts, levels of knowledge, and education and teaching.Let yourself grow up in the education industry, cultivate excellent talents for the society, and lay a solid foundation.


2. Education and teaching


Over the past year, I have always served as a senior Chinese discipline, strictly demanded myself in my work, worked hard to study business, continuously improved business levels, continuously learned new knowledge, explored the laws of education and teaching, and improved education and teaching methods.


1. Respect for students is the key to students.


In teaching, I am deeply appreciated by students and the development of students.First, students must be respected.Respect the right to think of students, respect the right of students, respect the spirit of students 'inquiry, and respect students' thinking results.Only by doing this can we let students think and let students explore.


2. Strata cooperation is the only way to achieve cooperation, autonomous, and inquiry.


The level of students is different, and the efficiency of thinking is different. It often causes some students to be afraid of thinking, lazy to explore, and rely on others' thoughts.If you let a good difference in a group in the teaching, such a good student will always become a leader and a spokesperson, and the poor students will always be paid attention to in the group.To solve this problem, we must implement the method of layered group cooperation. In the classroom, give different groups of tasks different levels according to different scenarios. Students have the same level of thinking at the same level.In this way, the purpose of sub -level cooperation is reached, and students who have different levels of different levels have different challenging tasks.


3. Clarify learning goals.


Chinese teaching is the most common, and it is easy to bother students.If you have the same word teaching, the text analysis, and summary, this is both time -consuming and laborious. Students do not know how much their own lessons have improved after learning a text.The fifth grade students can let go of their self -finances to complete themselves.They have this ability and have their own unique methods.In teaching, my general word teaching is only used as one inspection process.The analysis of the text is the type of style, and the new style is taught to the new method.Then, let students solve themselves based on methods.The main thing is to understand what levels of this lesson to reach, what difficult problems to solve, and what problems to solve the problem.In this way, the classroom can be effective and efficient.


4. Standardize homework.


Students study new lessons and knowledge systematic and organizational, and rely on necessary homes to consolidate and improve.After standardized homework, the students' ideas are clear and organized.Develop good learning habits.This is a distinctive view in the new curriculum standard, and standardized homework can make students' habits.Develop students' good learning habits.


5. Carry out more Chinese practice activities.


The use of classrooms and class activities to conduct a series of practical activities is an important aspect of Chinese teaching.At the theme class meeting, the "plan to be new semester", "keeping safety at all times", "I love school", how to use production and other series of activities to exercise the courage and expression of studentsWhoever stands up can say a while.


6. Establish a helping plan.


For individual poor students, you can carefully counsel, often criticize your homework, find out the weak link of knowledge, and make up for the leakage in time.For example, self -use use the spare time to tutor students, to formulate the teaching plan for targeted manner, and to do a planned and planned transformation work.In the classroom, use more questions, check more, timely guidance, and timely feedback, and strive to improve the cultural basic knowledge of the later life.At the same time, carry out mutual help and mutual learning groups in the class to conduct a group of learning activities, so that students can correct their thoughts, learn from each other, and want to promote each other, and constitute a good learning atmosphere that you chase me.Usually, you pay attention to "grasping two hands": On the one hand, you cultivate the sharp students. On the one hand, you can advance after being tutoring with the tip of the child.


7. Research on topic.


In the research work, my work is: 1. Improve the effectiveness of pre -class preparation work.(1) Improve the effectiveness of lessons.I studied independently during the preparation of lessons and prepared lessons. When preparing for lessons, I not only prepared textbooks, students, materials, and key points of training points, thinking about ideas, preparation of teaching strategies, and effectively improving the quality of lessons.


(2) Improve the effectiveness of students' preview.One is to teach students some preview methods, and after class training to improve the quality of preview quality; the second is to propose certain pre -questions to teach to promote learning.Start with preview to learn to teach.


2. Research on the effectiveness of classroom operations.


(1) Teaching goals: First of all, I have the preset classroom teaching goals. The goals are correctly positioned according to the teaching materials, class hours, and class.Adjust the preset goals and generate new goals, the preset goals and generation goals also focus on; again, I take the initiative to evaluate the achievement of the goal.


(2) Teachers and students: Students are the main body of classroom learning, teachers are promoters of students' learning, and teachers are also the main body of self -professional growth.Without the professional growth of teachers, it is difficult to have the autonomous development of students. The two subjects in the classroom continue to coordinate and develop together at different levels.In the classroom, I correct my protagonist, and strive to promote students to constitute the correct sense of protagonist.


(3) Teaching structure:


In the classroom, the interaction of teachers and students in the classroom, the dynamic generation of creative development and teaching goals of curriculum resources, and the dynamic generation of teaching goals.I choose the teaching method according to the characteristics of different articles in teaching.The more rational articles, which is more suitable for the text that is more suitable for the handling of the article.Enlightenment.


(4) Teaching resources: Teaching resources include text resources (teaching materials resources and expansion reading resources), media resources, and human resources (mainly referring to the resources of teachers and students).The teaching process is the process of developing curriculum resources together.Teachers in the classroom should attach importance to the development of teachers and students common resources, and to develop my own resources.


(5) Learning evaluation: A. Learning evaluation should be a complete evaluation, including incentives and criticism.B. Learning evaluation should be targeted evaluations, not only to avoid empty holes and frequent mechanical evaluations.C. Learning evaluation should be the evaluation of development, play an incentive and guidance role in evaluation, and not hurt the self -esteem of students.


3. Study on the effectiveness of reflection after class.On the one hand, personal thinking, diligent pen, and developing teaching reflection habits.On the other hand, the exchanges and discussions that strengthen reflection are enlightened and sublimated from the reflection.


3. Comply with discipline


I strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the school, not late, early, and take the initiative to leave.At work, respect leaders and unite colleagues, can deal with it correctly and


Relationship between leading colleagues.Usually, diligence and frugality, work hard, sincere, love students, love students, harmonious and harmonious relationships, never make no principled disputes, regulate the self -deeds of the self -requirements everywhere, and cultivate the comprehensive quality of selfAnd skills.


Fourth, work performance


With the improvement of the new curriculum reform on the teacher's business skills, in addition to teaching, I also squeezed the time of self -study education and teaching theory and forge ahead for various modern education technical training, and mastered some methods of multimedia courseware.I was called by my superiors last semester, and I got to teach in the remote schools. I played their own light and heat in the teaching school, and was well received by the leaders of the support school.He was rated as a municipal -level education advanced individual.This semester, the five -star school undertaken the work of the subject. In this work, I have undertaken the task of the subject research and display class, and have been well received by the leadership. After the school evaluation team's evaluation team was evaluated to the first prize.And self -study about self -study "effectiveness of autonomous learning" also has a necessary understanding.The second prize was rated in the courseware competition organized by the school.


#119466 Primary school teacher annual assessment personal summary eight


Time, the white horse passed the gap, and in the moment, 20_ years have passed.The 20 -year death is also the year when I fulfill my duties in the third -level teacher in the teaching field.


1. Strengthen the learning theory of teaching and practice solid basic teaching skills


In terms of education and teaching, I strive to strengthen education theory learning and improve the level of teaching.To improve the quality of teaching, the key is to take good lessons.In order to take a good class, I did the following job:


1. Preparation before class: Prepare lessons.Study and implement the syllabus of teaching and study the teaching materials.Understand the basic ideas, basic concepts, structures, points and difficulties of the textbook, and master the logic of knowledge.


Understand the quality of the original knowledge and skills of students, their interests, needs, methods, and habits, what difficulties may be in learning new knowledge, and take corresponding measures.


Consider the teaching method and solve how to impart the textbooks that have been mastered to students, including how to organize teaching and how to arrange activities for each lesson.


2. Class situation.Organize classroom teaching, pay attention to all students, pay attention to information feedback, mobilize students' attention, and keep them relatively stable.At the same time, stimulate students 'emotions, make them have a pleasant state of mind, create a good classroom atmosphere, and the classroom language is simple and clear. Classroom questions are facing all students. Pay attention to the interest of students' learning.Student burden.


3. To improve the quality of teaching, we must also do a good job of post -class counseling.The students in junior high school love, fun, lack of self -control ability, and some cannot complete the homework on time.To go, we must also do a good job of tutoring and helping students' learning, especially in the transformation of the future students, and work hard to start with friendliness, such as holding his hand and helping to organize clothes.From praise, everyone is eager to get the understanding and respect of others. Therefore, when talking with poor students, he expresses a deep understanding and respect for his situation and ideas.


In order to continuously improve my teaching level, I work hard to listen to other teachers' lessons to learn good education theories and methods from them to make up for the shortcomings of my teaching process.During the class, every lesson is vivid, lively, and efficient, and strives to understand it. It is easy to understand, and it is easy to treat each student.I really did each student like every lesson I took.After a few years, the grades of my teaching class have increased significantly. Each test score is at the forefront of the school's classmates, which has been well received by teachers and students.


2. Strengthen the study of quality education theory and improve the level of education and teaching


In November 20_, I took the three class Chinese teaching.The initial liberal arts discipline is both an opportunity and a challenge. Especially when students have just entered junior high school, what needs to be completed is to change from why.I actively invest in the exploration of quality education, study and implement the syllabus of teaching, accelerate the research of education and teaching methods, update the concept of education, master the way of teaching reform, and improve the ability to control the curriculum.In teaching, I boldly explore teaching methods suitable for students' development.


First of all, strengthen the guidance of the study of students and guide students to learn to learn.Improve students 'self-learning ability; provide students with the atmosphere of cooperative learning. On the basis of students' self-study, the study group of 3-5 people is formed to enable students to improve the ability to find errors and correct errors in the atmosphere of cooperative learning; provide students with providing studentsOpportunities to cultivate their innovative ability.


Secondly, strengthen the study of teaching methods to improve the quality of teaching.How to cultivate students' innovation ability in teaching is the key to the success or failure of quality education.To this end, I focused on the problem in teaching-discussion teaching method, and operated through the following links: guide reading methods, cultivating the awareness of problems; creating an inquiry environment, all the quality condensation discussions; supplementing the lack of missing, summarizing knowledge of knowledge, summarizing knowledgeKey points.Because I was actively trying to implement Chinese quality education, I took the initiative to use the method of creating problems to cause students to discuss and think, and train students' ability. The students in the teaching class were fully affirmed and reflected.Teachers' public classes and basic teaching competitions are among the best.The results of the unified examinations over the years are at the forefront of the school, of which the same class of the same class of the same class of the five schools in the 20 -year school.20_ The results of the students' sections of the year received a big harvest.


3. Strengthen educational and teaching research, improve the education and scientific research capabilities to implement Chinese quality education, and point out the direction for education reform


In the process of education and teaching, I discovered some new problems, using the views and methods of quality education to analyze these problems, put forward my own views and opinions through the teaching summary, and sublimated from the perspective of theory.My teaching process pays more attention to discovering new problems, solving new problems, and based on quality education. The views and suggestions put forward are more objective and practical, and have certain practical value.


In short, as a teacher, teaching is my basic work, and teaching and learning are a process of benign interaction. In teaching middle schools, teaching in school can realize their business progress and leap.Entering the 21st century, the implementation of quality education has higher requirements for teachers. In the future education and teaching, I will strictly demand myself, work hard, carry forward the advantages, develop forward, and dedicate my own strength to a better tomorrow.


I know that my current level is far from the goal of my dream, and the road ahead is still long."The road is long and far away, I will ask for up and down!"


#177473 Personal summary of the annual assessment of elementary school teachers


In the middle of busy, a semester has passed.Looking back, around the school's work plan and arrangement, he dedicated himself and did his best to complete the tasks of this semester.In order to summarize experience and find out the shortcomings, it is convenient for better work in the future.Summarize


1. Strengthen learning and improve your own quality


With the continuous deepening of education and teaching reform, the requirements of teachers have become higher and stricter.Teachers are required to study for life and be consciously updated with knowledge and concepts.Strengthen your own cultivation and adaptability, and continuously improve your comprehensive cultural literacy.As a member of the basic education, to meet the needs of the situation, keep up with the pace of the times, and recognize the era standard of talent education for talent training.


Because good teacher quality is the key to improving the quality of education, the foundation of improving classroom efficiency and implementing quality education.The rapid development of society, the rapid pace of history, and the teacher should be responsible for the heavy trust and the expectations of the society.


Only when teachers continue to learn, forge ahead, and constantly improve themselves, can we adapt to textbooks, students, and classrooms in classroom teaching.Only in the classroom teaching can penetrate the live water that conforms to the information of the times and teach new.


Second, do the realization and do your job well


The central work of the school is teaching. Classroom teaching is the main channel for school education.As a first -line teacher, the first task is to prepare lessons, classes, and change homework.In order to take each lesson, I first prepared for lessons. Teaching practice made me deeply understand. Only by teachers to prepare before class can I take good lessons. Preparation is not only an important condition for improving the quality of education and teaching.Teachers constantly enrich their necessary ways to teaching experience.


In order to prepare for the class, study the requirements of the curriculum, check the relevant reference materials, study the textbooks hard, combine the actual situation of the class, establish a suitable teaching goal, and write a practical lesson plan.Strive to achieve the "four hearts" of editors, teachers, and scholars, and to the teaching content of each lesson.


On the basis of careful preparation, choose the appropriate teaching method, and carefully organize classroom teaching.Try to be alive, practical and comprehensive in the : Live and learning methods for teaching methods; reality: solid basic knowledge; complete: to the whole, comprehensively improve the quality of teaching.Really gaining everyone's gain, all of them have improved.While the teaching students master the basic knowledge, they pay attention to the development of intelligence, the cultivation of ability, and the improvement of quality.And combined with the characteristics of the discipline, we can conduct ideological education from students.


Third, teach according to their aptitude, treat every student well


Positive upward is the essential characteristics of each student.But each child is born with different, and there is a natural difference.In the process of teaching, in the face of the different educational objects, we cannot be the same, simply adopting the "pot stew" method, but according to the different situations of different students, the implementation of the symptoms and the right medicine.


Based on this understanding, in the usual teaching activities, I overcome the prejudice effect and treat each student fairly and correctly.Persisted that "Peiyou" did not forget to "support".They do not ironic and do not get rid of those students who are temporarily advanced.Help them patiently and give them preference.


Use the "magnifying glass" to discover the "flashing point" on them, because the negative factors often cover the "flash point" on the backward life.It was found that it was found that it made progress, and promptly praised and encouraged progress.Let them experience the joy of success, and to experience the teacher's attention, care and love for them.As a result, good learning emotions, happily accept the help and education of the teacher, and enhance the difficulties and courage in learning.


Work practice has deeply appreciated: A qualified teacher is not only a good teacher in the knowledge of student, but also a friend of students' thoughts and a loving mother in life.


One teacher said good: Teachers and students should not be two parallel lines, nor should they be two intersecting straight lines, but two straight lines.Only when the teacher takes the initiative to make a piece with the students and make friends with the students, can the students pour their hearts to you, and will accept your education with conscientiously.


The above is a little experience in my work, but I know that my own quality is limited and cannot meet the needs of the situation. In future work, we should strengthen learning and continuously improve their own qualities in order to work better.


#177471 Personal summary of the annual assessment of elementary school teachers


In a blink of an eye, a semester is almost passing.In this academic year, I have been serious about teaching and work in peace. I am happy to tell you about my work in this year.


1. Thought understanding


In this academic year, in the education and teaching work, I face all students, teach and educate people, be a teacher, and establish the teaching ideas centered on "students as the main body" and "cultivating students' active development".Stimulate students 'creative ability and cultivate students' morality, wisdom, physical, aesthetic, and labor -integrated development.In this academic year, I am strict with myself and loves education.Always restrained yourself as a member and spur themselves.Strict requirements for yourself and strive to set an example in the minds of colleagues and students in ideology and work.Over the past academic year, I have also actively participated in various political business learning and strive to improve my political level and business level.Obief the school's work arrangements, cooperate with leaders and teachers to do a good job of various work inside and outside the school.


Second, teaching work


In terms of teaching, the teaching tasks of the entire school year are very heavy.I strive to listen to more lessons, learn from the strengths of others from middle school, and understand the teaching art of them.Every lesson in the previous lesson, I was fully prepared. My belief was that I never fought without preparation.We carefully analyze the textbooks during the preparation process, and design the lesson plan according to the characteristics of the textbook and the actual situation of the students.


In this school year, he mainly serves as a class of Chinese, ideological morality, technology, society, and class teachers. Peiyou Fuji is the highlight of the teaching work of this school year, because there is always a top student and a backward student in a class. I always give special care for post -life. Then they praised their little progress in the classroom. After class, they talked and made friends after class, so that they knew that the teacher did not "look at the flat", established their confidence and inspiring their interest in learning Chinese. Finally, the tutors who voluntarily worked as the eugenics in the class, which made me gratify that the eugenics were very enthusiastic. I asked them why they liked to be a counselor so much. They said, "The teachers are so confident that they will learn well. We are also confident. "" I believe that under my guidance, he must have made great progress. "So, I asked them to form a" one group and one "group and gave them a meeting. The responsibility is mainly to check the homework of "students" and tutor the basic knowledge and skills of "students" to master the textbooks. Based on their own situations, they set their goals according to their respective situations, so that both of them moved towards that goal. "Teachers" are indeed very responsible, and "students" always have a "teacher" pointers beside him, and he is also very vigorous to learn. After a period of time, students have made progress, and some have made very fast.


3. Leader work


In terms of class teacher work, I attach great importance to students' ideological education.Through class, morning clubs, ideological and moral classes, and combined with teaching materials of various subjects to carry out ideological education of the motherland, the people, the collective, the old moving, and the learning of learning.Let students develop good class style and study style.The cadre of the class is the left and right hands of the teacher, so I use the well -trained class cadre as an important part of the work of the class teacher.I often meet the cadres of the class to understand their work and encourage them to carry out their work boldly.Make class cadres to establish prestige among classmates and become a role model for students to learn.


Fourth, attendance


While doing a good job of various education and teaching work, I also strictly abide by the school's rules and regulations.Go to get off work on time, get off work, no late, not early, and leave for proactive, active, and work hard.Never care about it, have a strong sense of career and high sense of responsibility.


5. Main achievements


In this academic year, the students of our class published 10 compositions in the school journal, won the second prize in the storytelling competition, and also achieved good results in the school sports meeting.In the last semester survey, the qualification rate of Chinese was 100 ﹪, and the excellent rate was 88%. In this semester, the qualification rate in the survey of this semester was 100 ﹪, and the excellent rate was 96.2%.


In short, I have carried forward the spirit of working hard at work, so that they do not count on personal gains and losses.There are plus, but never relax strict requirements.

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