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1、Mid Autumn Festival is here, may your life be as round and round as ever, and let happiness fill your space; May your career soar like the sun and become even more glorious during the Mid Autumn Festival; Dear customer, Wishing you a happy Mid Autumn Festival! 中秋到了,愿你的生活如般圆又圆,让幸福布满你的空间;愿你的事业如日中天,中秋佳节里更加辉煌;亲爱的客户,祝中秋快乐!

2、Wishyou and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival 祝你和你的家人中秋快乐

3、Take dreams as the blueprint and be willing to be the ladder of success. Teacher, I sincerely wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. 以梦想为蓝图,甘当成功的阶梯,老师,真心祝愿你中秋节快乐。

4、Welcoming the Mid Autumn Festival, offering mooncakes, taking a bite, the fragrance spreads, the whole body spreads, happiness continues, good luck continues, work goes smoothly, career goes smoothly, family reunion, physical health, and everything goes smoothly. Finally, I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival. 喜迎中秋,月饼送上,咬上一口,香气游走,全身蔓延,喜气不断,好运连连,工作顺心,事业顺利,家庭团圆,身体健康,万事如意。最后祝你中秋快乐。

5、我会给你做一个大圆月饼,里面有健康水果、平安豆、吉祥枣、快乐芝麻和幸运葡萄。祝你中秋节好运、幸福、快乐。 I will make you a big round moon cake, which contains healthy fruits, peace beans, auspicious dates, happy sesame seeds and lucky grapes. I wish you good luck, happiness and happiness on Mid Autumn Festival.

6、The bright moon is priceless, and there is love in high mountains. May your life be like the 15th moon, full and round! I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 明月本无价,高山皆有情。愿你的生活就像这十五的月亮一样,圆圆满满!祝老师中秋节快乐!

7、Dear, I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. This is a gift I have prepared for you. I hope you will like it. 亲爱的,祝你中秋节快乐,这是我给你准备了礼物,希望你会喜欢。

8、Dear customer: According to the Mid Autumn Festival special law, on this day of reunion, career will be with you, success will be waiting for you, money will search for you, happiness will accompany you, happiness will come to you, and good luck will approach you. I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival. 亲爱的客户:根据中秋特别法,在这团圆的日子里,事业会伴着你,成功会等着你,钞票会寻找你,幸福会陪着你,快乐会走向你,好运会靠近你,我要祝福你:中秋快乐。

9、月儿圆又亮,月饼圆又甜,家家团圆相聚,人人欢心甜蜜,祝你家圆人圆事事圆,中秋愉快! The moon is round and bright, the moon cakes are round and sweet, families get together, everyone is happy and sweet, I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

10、I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival is especially bright. I will send my greetings from afar. The moon is shining in the sky, the sky is shining brightly, and the Mid Autumn Festival is a beautiful night. Wishing you all the best throughout the holiday and all the best! 祝你中秋节快乐。中秋节特别明亮。我会从远方送上我的问候。明月当空,空洒明,中秋良宵。祝你佳节如意,万事如意!

11、烦恼随风,刮向天空;快乐成风,迎面吹送。道顺,人顺,事事顺,你好,我好,大家好。中秋节快乐。 Troubles follow the wind and blow to the sky; happiness comes into the wind and blows head-on. Daoshun, Renshun, everything goes well, Hello, Hello, everyone. Happy Mid Autumn Festival.

12、May your blessings fill your home, things come true, people reunite, dreams come true, dreams come true. Wishing friends: Mid Autumn Festival is auspicious and happy! 愿您福气满家园,事圆人团圆,梦圆圆梦梦儿圆,祝福朋友们:中秋佳节吉祥快乐!

13、Teachers, you have worked hard! Thank you! Wish teachers: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Good health! All the best! 老师们,您们辛苦了!谢谢您们!祝老师们:中秋节快乐!身体健康!万事如意!

14、I wish your career and life as it phases of the Mid-Autumn Festival,bright bright,festive! 祝你的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满!

15、There is a concern called warmth and cold, a concern called meticulousness, a relationship called business clients, and a concern called Guan Yu (feather decoration) Guan Yunchang. Wishing you the Mid Autumn Festival, dear customer. The customs clearance is smooth and the festival is rising. Happiness, happiness, a happy life! 有一种关心叫冷暖,有一种关心叫细致,有一种关系叫生意客户,有一种关心叫关羽(羽饰)关云昌。中秋佳节,祝福您,亲爱的.顾客,关关顺利,节节高升。幸福,幸福,幸福的生活!

16、Make a beautiful wish, wish you everything is round, pass on a short blessing, and wish you a sweet smile. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 许一个美好的心愿,祝你万事圆圆,传一份短短的祝福,祝你微笑甜甜。中秋节快乐!

17、In the mid autumn moon, Mid-Autumn Festival, sweet scented osmanthus fills the palace and Change Toad Palace comes to bless you. The blessing never stops. I wish you a happy reunion, peace, happiness, health, longevity, happiness, and forever. 仲秋月,中秋节,桂花飘香满宫阙,嫦娥蟾宫来祝福,祝福一刻不停歇,祝您团团圆圆,平平安安,快快乐乐,健健康康,长长久久,幸福美满,直到永远。

18、红红翠翠,年年朝朝暮暮。暮暮依依,时时鲽鲽鹣鹣。说不完的思念,但愿您的生活就象月一样圆满! Red and green, every day and night. At dusk, the plaice is always ready. I hope your life is as complete as the moon!






