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大学英语演讲稿 篇1

depending on my personal experience and emotional preference, i find that self-study is an extremely important skill for those who want to learn new reasons are as following.

first, self-study is an effective way to broaden our horizon and extend our can arrange our time and adjust our process flexibly according to our own concrete situation. for example, as college students, we can use some of our leisure time everyday to learn other subjects by self-study in addition to our major knowledge. at the same time, we also can extend our major knowledge by self-study of other subjects.

second, self-study is a process to develop our ability of thinking and management. self-study is a process that we gain knowledge or skills by our personal effort without others’ instruments. therefore, in this process, we need to make choices by ourselves, arrange and control time and process by ourselves, think about all kinds of questions by ourselves and find out the solution about different problems by ourselves.

in brief, self-study is all about us basically.

finally, self-study is a method to keep learning. as the saying goes, “it is never too old to learn.” and our school life will ***e to an end some day and only through self-study can we keep ourselves learning all the time.

thus, all of us need to form the habit of self-study so that we can make a progress everyday.

in a word, self-study is essential and necessary. keep studying something new everyday and you will find yourself improving a lot some day.













大学英语演讲稿:the ***ing of the world cup


大学英语演讲稿:the future is now-the choice is yours









大学英语演讲稿 篇2

when finishing the high school course, not every student has the chance or ability to go to college. some students choose to seek a job, start their own business or pursue other interest. however, for some students who want to get further education, they choose self-education, self-education is no better than university studies.

on the one hand, self-education lacks of a well-defined structure. in the school, the teacher will make some plans for students’ studies; they plan the target, the fulfillment of expectation and asses**ent of the program. with these, students can know their own flaws, ****** progress gradually.

while self-learners may lose themselves, they have no test, no homework and no exam; it is hard for them to know how to get improved.

on the other hand, self-education doesn’t provide the environment which students can learn from each other. college provides students the stage to municate with others, ****** friends; students can also have the chance to enhance the ability of team work and readership. those abilities are very important for students, when they are finding a job, they have the advantages.

self-education is a way of gaining knowledge; i prefer to study in college, because i like to municate with friends. though self-education can’t take place for university studies, we can choose to learn elective courses in that way.






大学英语演讲稿 篇3

Whether there’s afterlife, the answer has never been the same. The atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave. They may care about their illustrious names after death; they may feel attached to the affection of their offspring, but they never lay their hopes on their afterlife. They may also say that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil, but they don’t really believe any retribution in their after life.

However, in the religious world or among the superstitious people, the belief in afterlife is very popular. They do not only believe in afterlife, but thousands of reincarnations as well. In the  mysterious world, there are the paradise and the hell, the celestial beings and the gods, the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas.

Maybe they really believed it, or maybe they just wanted to make use of people’s veneration, the ancient emperors always declared that they were the real dragons, the sons of God, while the royal ministers claimed to be the reincarnations of various constellations. But can the stars reincarnate?

Many people burn incense and kowtow, do good deeds and strive for virtues, not just for the present, but mainly to let God see their sincerity so as to be reborn into a better afterlife, or to achieve the highest enlightenment after several lives of practice. ()They do believe in afterlife. But I can’t help asking: Suppose there were no afterlife, would you still do good deeds and strive for virtues? And If God does not see what you are doing, would you still be so upright and selfless? If you work, not for serving the public and liberating the others, but just for a better afterlife of your own, isn’t it a little too selfish? Comparing with this kind of believers, those who don’t believe in afterlife, but still keep doing good deeds, are the most sincere and honest philanthropists, because they do them not for themselves but for other.

You may wonder if I believe in afterlife. My answer is: I know nothing about my previous life, so I dare not make improper comments on afterlife. But I do hope there’s afterlife! Because our present life is so short that so many things slip away before our proper understanding. I have so many dreams, so many wishes, so many ambitions, as well as so many regrets and concerns. If there were no afterlife, all of them will remain unrealized!

I’m not contented with the present commonplace life, I’m very much attached to the affections that should have been mine but have been washed away by the hurrying time, and I yearn for the perfection and maturity if I could start all over again. So believe it or not, I’d rather there were afterlife.


Bidding for the Olympic Games is, in a way, an image-creating undertaking. The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them by its unique image. What image does Beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics? It’s known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics. For me, the 2008 Olympics will be a great green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and red.

First, yellow is a meaningful color. The Yellow River is China’s mother river and the cradle of Chinese civilization. We are of the yellow race and descendants of the Yellow Emperor. This color has a special origin and great significance for the Chinese people. Beijing is the capital of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history. So, yellow will naturally add splendor to the 2008 Games.

Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a red pageant.

Red is another traditionally cherished color for the whole country. We adore red. On big occasions, we like to decorate our homes in red. It is the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, 1)auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity. Red is one of the most suitable colors to describe the future of Beijing. Beijing, together with the whole country, is becoming more and more prosperous in the process of modernization. Should the 2008 Olympics be held in Beijing, the whole city will be a sea of red: the red torch, red flags, red flowers, and the radiant faces of millions of joyful people.

Above all, the 2008 Olympics will be a green Olympics.

Adding the green 2) ingredient is essential in creating an appealing image, as we can’t deny the fact that Beijing, at the moment, is not as green a city as what we like it to be. Striving for an environmentally appealing city has become a central task for all the citizens of Beijing. Big efforts have been made in pollution control, replanting and beautification of the city. According to a project entitled “The Green Olympic Action Plan,” between 1998 and 2007, Beijing will have invested 100 billion RMB in preserving and protecting the environment. Some 12.5 million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the Fourth Ring Road. By then, the city’s green area will make up 40% of its total. The city will also dredge its 3) reservoirs used as a water supply to Beijing residents, controlling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 factories presently located within the city proper.

Certainly, all of this is no easy task. But I am sure that all of us have confidence that we will realize these “green” goals, for now we have the full support and participation of the environmentally conscious citizens. Each citizen is showing great concern for every one of the steps the city government takes. As the saying goes, “United, we stand”, and a green Beijing will be achieved.

When our aspiration becomes a reality, it will be a unique Olympics. “New Beijing, Great Olympics” will be weaved of these three superb colors: yellow, red and green.

Let us welcome it and look forward to it! Thank you!


Today I would like to begin with a story. There was once a physical therapist who traveled all the way from America to Africa to do a census about mountain gorillas. These gorillas are a main attraction to tourists from all over the world; this put them severely under threat of poaching and being put into the zoo. She went there out of curiosity, but what she saw strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures. She witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged we've ever been, where in the very depth of the African rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas cuddled their babies.

Yes, that's a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called Gorillas in the Mist, based on a true story of Mrs. Diana Fossey, who spent most of her lifetime in Rwanda to protect the ecoenvironment there until the very end of her life.

To me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a timeless reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our eco-environment.

Today, we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new problems. On the one hand, tourism, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st century, provides people with the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any place there is to go. It has become a lifestyle for some people, and has turned out to be the driving force in GDP growth. It has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of prosperity. But on the other hand, many problems can occur - natural scenes aren't natural anymore. Deforestation to heat lodges are devastating Nepal. Oil spills from tourist boats are polluting Antarctica. Tribal people are forsaking their native music and dress to listen to U2 on Walkman and wear Nike and Reeboks.

All these appalling facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been eroding our resources. Encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put tourism again in the spotlight, which is why the United Nations has made 2002 the year of ecotourism, for the first time to bring to the world's attention the benefits of tourism, but also its capacity to destroy our ecoenvironment.

Now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations are receiving donations - big notes, small notes or even coins - from housewives, plumbers, ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and invalids. Some of them cannot afford to send the money but they do. These are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological damage in their neighborhood. Why? Because they care. Because they still want their Mother Nature back. Because they know it still belongs to them.

This kind of feeling that I have, ladies and gentlemen, is when it feels like it, smells like it, and looks like it , it's all coming from a scene to be remembered, a scene to recall and to cherish.

The other night, as I saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs. I found myself humming softly, not to the music, but to something else, someplace else, a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where no one seemed to have been except the deer.

And all those unforgettable scenes strengthened the feeling that it's time for us to do something, for our own and our coming generation.

Once again, I have come to think of Mrs. Diana Fossey because it is with her spirit, passion, courage and strong sense of our ecoenvironment that we are taking our next step into the world.

And no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our minds, there's always a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it.

Thank you very much.

大学英语演讲稿 篇4


life is composed of complex things and emotions, but sometimes a good life attitude can change a lot, showing a different world for everyone. we all know that taking the college entrance examination is one of the most important things for a person’s whole life. of course, high school students will under great pressure. so, how to treat it properly before and after the exam is very important. my opinions are as following.


first of all, keeping a good life attitude is helpful for college entrance exam. as everyone regards it as so important and students themselves also put so much effort on it, they are surely stressful when it is coming. some cannot fall asleep, some cannot think, and some cannot memorize things well because they are too nervous. as a result, they may not perform well in the exam. however, if they can keep a usual mind, they maybe at their best to get a good mark.


in addition, after the high school entrance examination, keeping a good lift attitude is very important. having experienced so stressful study for a long time, some students start to indulge themselves. some may be very lazy and some may do some crazy things to relax. however, it turns out that their behavior will ruin themselves at last. if they have a good life attitude, they would relax themselves in a proper way not excessive.


in a word, keeping a good life attitude is significant and helpful in everyone’s whole life.



in order to get high marks, some students figure out all the ways, the worse situation is to plagiarize other student’s hard-working. plagiarism is a big mistake, the teachers are always emphasizing it, but the lazy students go against the rule, they want to pass assessment easily. these students should be shameful about themselves.

on the one hand, plagiarizing means the lack of respect of other students’ hard-working. students need to spend many hours and put a lot of effort to finish the paper; the outcome means their wisdom and paid, just as the old saying, “no pain, no gain”. while the lazy students destroy other students’ effort, they just get the job done without their own thinking; they can even get the more high marks. this is very unfair; every student should finish the task in their own wisdom, showing respect to each other.

on the other hand, the students who are used to plagiarism will end up hurting themselves. if the students’ such behavior is found by others, they will get bad record in their files, which means they will have problem on trust issues, it is hard for them to find a job. if they are lucky to not be found, they still learn nothing, they lack of ability.

in conclusion, plagiarism is a shameful behavior; students should learn things by their own minds.






on my birthday two years ago, many special things happened on me. and i would remember them forever.

that morning, i rode my bike to school happily as usual. on my way to the

classroom, i saw some of my classmates. but when they saw me, they rushed away. that made me confused. because they would talk to me or play jokes on me before. but it was strange today.

when i came into the classroom, i found the atmosphere was quite strange.

everybody looked at me and laughed loudly. suddenly they all said in good order,“happy birthday to you!” then they began to sing “happy birthday to you——” that made me moved. i never told anyone about my birthday, how did they know? i believed they must have done a lot of things. at that moment, i found nothing to say but thanks instead!

after school, a thing coming as a surprise happened on me on my way back home. when i was riding suddenly a crowed of people rushed out to stopped my bike.i recogized them at once. they were my senior classmates. they all comlained to me,“why don’t you tell us about your birthday? don’t you fear that we will let you stand treat? this time you owe us.” then each of them gave a gift and a card with best wishes to me. i was deeply moved again. i suggested having a dinner together. but they all refused because of the time. then they left me saying we would ask you to pay us another day!

when i got back home, i thought of everything happened today. suddenly i felt so happy because i had such great friends around me. i thanked them from the bottom of my heart. i would value the precious friendship forever!

i have so many feelings through that special day. the only rose without thorns in the world is friendship. a true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. one friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. stick to make friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island. to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune, to keep him is a blessing.

thank you for your attention!


good moning, ladies and gentlemen. my topic today is educational background should never lose the ability .

talking about the educatinal background and ability, there is one people we can’t help thinking up , that is tang jun, who has been regarded as the “king of chinese employees”, but he lost his dream because joye said his educational background is fake . at this moment ,sb said tang is nobody because he is without any educatinal background , however others still said tang is sb because he is within the ability. ladies and gentleman, what do you think? before answer it, i want to ask another questions” why are you sitting here today ? why am i standing here today? for what ? educatinal background ? ability? i think both of them, every day we work hard for pursuing higher educatinal background directly or indirectly : everyday we experience xhallenges or difficulties to improve our ability consciously or unconsciously. so ,today,i should say , we should own the educational background as well as the ability.

then now , i remenber a few days ago , one of my young sister , who is a freshman in jianghan university , called me and complained to me seriously, “ my headmaster told us to now work as hard as possible to prepare the postgraduate examination for a higher educational background tommorow. on the other side , he advised us to enhance our real ability in practice . what should i do ? how should i deal with it? i was surprised about her complainants. however, after i surfed the internet , i was more shocked. it was reported in an investigation , now there are nearly 40% of graduates who are pure bookworms, only with the educational background , 30% are practitioners , only with high ability but failed many courses until graduation.

what a extreme! educational background and ability , they are different but they are not conflicted, they are seperated, actually they are unified. in this age of modernization, in this age of competition, eucatinal background should never lose the ability, without educatinal background , tangjun is still a great man for his undoubtedly ability and contributions . we are not mr tang , he is unique in the world . his ability can’t be copied, we are the common people , what we should do is to work down to earth .

then one day we can have the key of high educational background to open the door of future, meanwhile , strengthen the ability to stand there highly and respectivly forever!

thank you very much!

大学英语演讲稿 篇5






























“ aspolicymakersofthenextcenty ,.




















说真的,这个选择并不好做。我愿意在北京,上海和深圳等大都市工作。 我也期待着回到家乡,那里虽然不那么发达,但让我感到更加亲密。我希望可以留在生活节奏快,令人兴奋的沿海地带,我也愿意扎根于广炭的中西部地区,那里虽然条件艰苦,却有极大的发展潜力。















大学英语演讲稿 篇6



理解倾听与批判性思维的关系,介绍几种不同的倾听方式,例如:“欣赏性倾听”(appreciative listening)、“同情性倾听”(empathic listening)、“理解性倾听”(***prehensive listening)、和“批判性倾听”(critical listening)。

了解在演讲的准备阶段如何选题和立意,如何分析听众的特点,如何收集资料和如何规范地使用所收集到的论据来说明自己的想法。诸如在选题时如何确定演讲的“总目的”(general purpose),“具体目的”(specific purpose),和“中心思想”(central idea)。演讲中使用论据可分为:


本文介绍了英语语音的写作方法和规范。组织演讲稿正文常用的构想方法主要有:“时间顺序法”(chronological order),“空间顺序法”(spatial order),“因果顺序法”(causal order),“话题顺序法”(topical order)和“问题与解决方案顺序法”(problem-solution order)。

根据英语“形合性”的特点,英语文本中上下文之间的关系经常要通过连接词来表达,这与中文“意会性”特点极不相同。因此,连接词正确而恰当的使用可使英文演讲稿逻辑清晰,结构紧凑。连接词语主要包括“过度”(transitions)、“段落预展”(internal previews)、“段落总结”(summaries)和“指向标”(signpost)等。

如何写演讲稿的开头与结尾。演讲稿的开头一般由四部分构成,1. 引起注意力和兴趣(get attention and interest);2.

揭示话题(reveal the topic);3. 建立可信度和亲善感(establish credibility and good will);4. 预展正文的主要内容(preview the body of the speech)。

演讲稿的结尾则一般由两部分组成:1. 示意收尾(signal the ending);2.

强化中心思想(reinforce the central idea)。

如何整理和准备演讲的“文稿提纲”(preparation outline)和“讲稿提纲”(speaking outline)。“文稿提纲”是用提纲的形式写成的演讲稿全文,而“讲稿提纲”则只包括演讲稿的要点。

演讲的几种主要形式,即:“照稿宣读”(reading from manuscript),“全文背诵”(reciting from memory),“即兴演讲”(speaking impromptu)和“半即兴演讲”(speaking extemporaneously)。

演讲中的三“yan”要领,即:“演”(artistic performance)、“眼”(eye contact)、“掩”(disguise imperfection)。“演”就是要通过演讲者的声音(vocal variety)及其在台上的面部表情(facial expression)和肢体语言(hand gestures and body language)更生动、到位地展示、传达情感和内容,调动听众的情绪,展示风采与个性,引起共鸣。


演讲的主要体裁,包括“解说性演讲”(informative speeches)、“说服性演讲”(persuasive speeches)、以及“特殊场合演讲”(speeches for special occasions)。在“特殊场合演讲”中,还将讨论“介绍性演讲”(speeches of introduction)、“颁奖性演讲”(speeches of presentation)、“受奖者致辞”(speeches of acceptance)、“纪念性演讲”(***memorative speeches)和“社交性演讲”(after-dinner speeches)。








6、 教具准备:电脑、投影、显示屏、麦克风、音频等。


practice topic: an interesting thing in my childhood. (english speaking with chinese retelling)



1. significance of english learning,

2. how to be a good speaker:

o attract the interests and attention

o main point

o go to the body

o conclude

o thank for listening

2.specific knowledge point:

my dear/fellow clas**ates and dear mr. lai

herd the cattle/ walk the dog

good evening, sir or madam!

eye-contact, body-language(match with the concept)

try to hide the mistakes

3. practice topic: an interesting thing in my childhood.

outline of the speech the china’s dream and my dream

1. greeting

2. self-introduction

3. review the topic: the ***prehension of the topic

4. body(causal order):

1. the experience in the uk: i notice the differences of the undergraduate students between the two countries.

2. my wish: i want to challenge them and be***e stronger in all aspects especially in the innovation ability.

3. the china’s dream: have the prosperity of the nation through innovating.

大学英语演讲稿 篇7

people living in the homes of four years, not just from knowledge of what the campus rigorous style of study of practical, innovative and realistic atmosphere, but also exerts a subtle influence on my thinking and learning, all of which mode of thinking and the ability to access, is i study a few years the biggest gains, and this is bound to affect my future life.

in one of the growth process, the needs of not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also need to correct the ideological foundation and a correct outlook on life and values. can continue to have the knowledge, and outlook on life, once formed, a person’s life are immeasurable. tsinghua university in the past few years, i can feel the teaching in schools, educating people on the importance of the link.

the theme of a wide range of activities, to explore a wide range of ideas, influences the formation of my life. before entering a university before, life for me, is a false ***parison of things, although i can feel its presence and role, but have not formed a clear concept. in the four years of university study and life, because of their thinking, learning and a number of external factors, so i created a basic set of life.

for life, everyone has their own pursuit. for the life of the universe, however, is a short moment, and for the individual, only an opportunity and never look back.

junior practice to go out, burdened with heavy luggage, but also burdened with their own ideals and decided to go to a strange city, looking for work was successful, but also a large advertising design ***pany, into the ***pany since the first day i had an effort to learn something positive attitude towards work, i am grateful to the director has taught me to constantly improve their design capabilities; i thank from the united states into the ***pany’s first day on the patient’s taught me a lot i do not understand things; thanks to copy and ae, i first entered in the ***pany’s code did not understand, my enthusia** for the help. thanks to hone in on the platform of that period of time, it is time that inspired my enthusia** and fighting spirit!

in short, towards their own goalsubstantial, as long as no regrets, is successful. the talent, is a long process of accumulation, must be dedicated to progressive, practical struggle, it is expected to taste the joy of success. people at different times have different views and ideas, but this is only a change in form, the foundation has its deep roots in the depths of thinking is hard to change.

in later life, positive, life will be the laughter of my principles and the driving force of loving the country, practical, ambitious talent is the cornerstone of my life.

time to rush water, the twinkling of an eye between the university close to the end of four years on. time to stand in the ring, muran looking back, we found a four-year university is so wonderful. lonely and happy co-existence with the leisurely pace in the same struggle, cowardly and courageous want.

ah, we have to test a burning the midnight oil, we have the childish behavior and laughed, we had the face of the unknown future of the former is not timid. but now we have this is quite different from the four years of our achievements in wind and rain. we understand what is the lone, brave what is and what is the real struggle.

as we enter the ***munity, not strive to ***plete the full ***plement of subjects, work actively in the efforts to apply what they have learned, the hard-working and motivated to go to school during its own inertia entirely correct, the courage to face the difficulties and setbacks, the growth during difficult times, in the ***munity to be***e useful to society in the future.

not eternal level of the road, life does not change the norm, each of us will inevitably encounter difficulties and setbacks, in the face of difficulties and setbacks, we should dare to struggle, dare to climb, should not give up on themselves the blame on others, should not live in that they turned out the bright lights of the self-free soap bubble in the wasted time, wasted their youth, in fact, everyone in the university on the road is not easy, not easy, only experienced the suffering and the opportunity of bettering in order to hone life gradually matured into a perfect, so that youth can no regrets, so that a well-deserved for love! leaving a painful, is a kind of courage, but also a test of a new beginning, we hope that in future new capacity to determine their own new starting point, perseverance and toward newer and higher goal because the best things in life are always in the forefront!

i substantial ***pletion of his career students, but “the long road repair ***e far, wujiang and search up and down.” in the days, i have to be more strict demands on themselves, to correct short***ings in work to progress in life is a milestone in the university, a milestone in the often around a lot at the junction of the fork, and graduation means we have to choose a continues down the road. before graduation, we had to; graduation, we had shed tears; do after graduation?

let us be grateful heart, tears of emotion and deep feeling of love into pious wishes, wishing everyone has a bright future

university for a four-year struggle for self-course basis, but even more cooperation is the key. in four years, every time i encountered setbacks, every difficulty, there are friends and fellow students eager to help, and get every bit of success, but also to share with you, this is a great happiness in life. we are grateful to all classes of students, to thank all the confidence in me, help me, thank you for your friendship to me, i will always cherish the!

in the doldrums, i thought of as such as lu xun’s “cry,” ginsburg “howl.” however, when i work in the face, think of the phrase is more jewish gu yan, “a reflection humanity, god laugh.”





























英语演讲梦想演讲稿 篇1


Students, guests , teachers and Honorable Judges

Good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.I have kept the dream in my mind for so long that whoever in the sun is able to live a happy life for ever.

I think this dream is deeply rooted in the future. As we can see, we are now not far away from violence, poverty, diseases, environmental pollution and even wars. Most of people are in need of what they have never enjoyed. However, I still can stick to my innermost dream, as I still can see the bright lights in our future. I believe, there will be a day when those from the rich counties are really willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries; there will be a day when we are surprised to find that the word poverty has long been out of our memories; there will be a day when we are together to share our dreams and we will all contribute to making our common dreams come true.

I will not just wait but to take action to live in my dream.


Students, guests , teachers and Honorable Judges

Good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher….

As the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. I don’t expect complete freedom, which is impossible. I simply have a dream that supports my life.

I dream that one day, I could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. With my favorite fictions, I lie freely on the green grass, smelling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. Simple and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction.

I dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of comic and cartoon away. They could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. That’s the real communication of heart to heart.

I have the belief that my dreams should come true. I am looking forward to some day coming when I am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky.


I woke up and looked at my watch. Oh my god, it’s 7:30 already! I have to get up at once otherwise I’ll be late. Today I’ll take the Australian athletes as a tour guide around Beijing, and I’m going to be the interpreter at the Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony tomorrow. This has always been a dream of mine since Beijing won the bid of the Olympics, and now the dream has finally come true—I have already become a successful interpreter. And today is another important day of my interpreting career. I’m a little nervous but, of course, very excited. Here goes my plan for today:

Well, our first destination is, surely, the landmark of Beijing, the symbol of the 5000 years’ civilization—the Forbidden City—where the emperors and empresses of the Ming and Qing Dynasties lived, and it’s really grand. It was renovated recently because of the coming Olympics.

The second place we are going to is the Great Wall. This is the only building, I hear, that can been seen from the moon, and it represents the diligence and the wisdom of whole Chinese nation.

Now, it’s time for lunch. We plan to have What? You say ”Beijing Duck”? Yeah, right you are! We’ll come back to the center of Beijing, and we’ll have dinner at “Quanjude” restaurant. You can enjoy the most delicious Chinese food—Beijing Duck, and you must be very pleased to hear this! Then I’ll show you around the Summer Palace. It’s the royal garden for the emperors and empresses of the Qing Dynasty to pass the hot summers.

After visiting those historical places, you’ll surely be impressed by the long-lasting history of our great country. At the same time, during the journey of moving from one place of interest to another, we won’t miss having a glance of Beijing’s modern civilization. The skyscrapers, beautiful avenues and advanced facilities must also catch your eyes. And we’ll also have a chance to experience Beijing’s fast development in person. We’ll do some shopping at the shopping center near the Olympics Village. You can buy everything there of course except guns and drugs which are seriously forbidden in China. To see is to believe. What you see and experience will be strong prove of your choice to Beijing, China!

That’s all about my plan for the day. What do you think of it, my friends? Today, I’m very proud to be here to give a speech about a dream, a dream for which we worked together for nine years or even more. As Beijing becomes the host city of the 29th Olympic Games, every Beijinger cares for the environment and good manners and behaviors much more than before. Now Beijing has already made herselves’ dream come true. So I must work harder to catch up with her steps. Knowing the hardness of making a dream into reality, I need to do my best at every side of my work, so then I believe my little dream—to be an interpreter—will definitely be realized someday in the future!


英语演讲梦想演讲稿 篇2

Call in the dream, we gradually GREw up thinking of gradually mature, andhave learned more and more, understand more and more.


Our dream is also more and more content, more and more rich.


One can not forget that book title mountain crossing the sea during the dayand night; not forget that the coexistence of a bitter years of joy; not forgetthat a bit more earnest remainding respectable mentor taught ... ...


The face of the past, we open their minds and hearts of the door, bathed insunlight to accept and listen to exhort the time, we dream of flying.


Is to achieve the dream of the cornerstones of long-term vision; the dreamis the beginning of the power savings; dream world is a necessary condition forrational; dream Qijia country is the premise of the world is flat.


To this end, the respect of ethics, education can be clearly responsiblefor, love.


We will be ready at all times ... ...


Singing rooster dawn broke through the silence, awakened the dream ofyouth, the old lamp that lit the lamp immortal, with the aid of a weak good careof the light heavy luggage, embark on a new journey began.


Eastern rising sun, leaving a string attached to their native land is thefootprints of the feelings and give up.


Goodbye dear land, we have our dreams, we all need to face new.


The rudder has been the fate into their own hands, taking their ownroute.


Believe in yourself and you work hard, must be clear after dark.


To do the masters of time, for every seconds, when the ship set sail hard,you are ready?


Show your style and create brilliant tomorrow.


said that the sky did not leave traces of the birds, but I have beenover.


Is an eagle, it is necessary to fly across the sky, is a tree, it isnecessary to cast a time, the courage to go flying, the courage to go into, youdream of flying, I believe you will be more brilliant tomorrow, tomorrow youwill be more exciting.


Cherish the present, should grasp the opportunity.


Friends, the dream of flying now, let us gather in the glory of thatday.


英语演讲梦想演讲稿 篇3

My dream:

my dream is to become a teacher.

you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting. i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the day. and if i am a teacher, i can teach my students a lot of knowledge. they might become stronger and cleverer because of me. that is a very contented feeling.

china is a developing country. chinese are not that excellent in their intellegent. so teachers in china might be very very important. they can provide the society with a lot of successful people, and make china a better place.

do you think that i have a good dream? i will work hard to make my dream become true!


everyone has a dream. now i'll talk about my dream i what is my dream? i often ask myself. when i was a little boy, i wanted to be a soldier with a gun so that i could defend our motherland.

now i am a young boy with a new dream——to be a doc-tor. i want to be a famous doctor, helping the sick and saving their lives. why has my dream changed? well, at the age of 11 i was ill, badly ill. i was told that i had cancer. i had to leave both my school and my friends and go to the hospital. every day i suf-fered the troubles caused by this illness.

especially in the countryside and lonely villages.我的老师问我将来想成为什么样的人,我当时不知道,因为我以前没有想过这个问题,现在我有了我的梦想,我已经知道我将来想成为什么样的人,我想成为一名教师。这是我未来的理想职业,当一名教师不仅可以充实我自己,还可以把我的知识灌输给我的学生。当我看着我的老师,他们学到了很多知识。


man will put an end to his bodily sufferings and this dream of mine will one day be brought into reality.电影《当幸福来敲门》是一部很有意义的电影,电影里的男主人公是一个很积极活跃的人。虽然他的生活很艰辛,由于他们家庭的条件,他的老婆离开了他,他的工作也很不顺利,可是他永远都不会放弃并且努力工作,他照顾他的儿子。他总是在追求幸福,所以他的生活是在追逐的。时间是非常对他来说很重要,他必须按时完成他的任务,不然他就过不上稳定的生活。

英语演讲梦想演讲稿 篇4










英语演讲梦想演讲稿 篇5

good morning/afternoon, dear teachers and my friends. i’m a student from no.2 middle school of qugou.

my name is zhao bingjie. i’m very glad to stand here to make a short speech for you. today my speech topic is “embrace the dream”.

many people have a dream about the future besides me. i had a beautiful dream since i was a young little girl. i really want to be an outstanding writer like guo jingming in the future, because i liked reading very much when i was a child.

so, i practice writing articles in my free time, by doing that i feel very ***fortable. i love my dream and i will try my best to make my dream ***e true.it’s about my dream, what about you?

do you have a dream? do you think everyone has their own dreams? in fact, you are wrong.

many people never thought about future and what they will be like. they never have a dream . it’s not good for them.

only have dreams, then we can know what we should do for our dreams and try our best to make them true. so, it’s important and necessary to have a dream.someone once said that success ***es from a dream.

so, fellow students, let’s have a dream, and embrace the dream. then, we will have a beautiful tomorrow!my speech is over, thanks for your listening.









英语演讲梦想演讲稿 篇6

my dream

good afternoon everyone:

my name is yu xiao feng. i’m twelve years old,i’m from zhongba primary school.everyone has a dream,now ill talk about my dream,what is my dreami often ask myself.

now i am a young girl with a new dream——to be a doctor. i want to be a famous doctor, helping the sick and saving their lives. why has my dream changedwell, at the age of 11 i was ill, badly ill. i had to leave both my school and my friends and go to the hospital. every day i suffered the troubles caused by this illness.ill do every bit to cure the incurable. i hope to see a world, where there is no  fatal diseases. im confident that through the joint efforts of you and me, man will put an end to his bodily sufferings and this dream of mine will one day be brought into reality.











if, say, ideal is a boat to successful, so, ill take good rudder.





我知道我的梦想实现不是那么容易。 张海迪阿姨有次说过:“每个人的生活是一艘船,理想就是船帆。”假如说理想是驶向成功的船,我将要掌好船舵。


英语演讲梦想演讲稿 篇7


i have a dream today

i have a dream that one day every vally shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. wow, what a dream it has been for martin luther king. but the changing world seems telling me that people gradually get their

dreams lost somehow in the process of growing up, and sometimes i personally find myself saying goodbye unconsciously to those distant childhood dreams.

however, we need dreams. they nourish our spirit; they represent possibility even when we are dragged down by reality. they keep us going. most successful people are dreamers as well as ordinary people who are not afraid to think big and dare to be great. when we were little kids, we all dreamed of doing something big and splashy, something significant. now what we need to do is to maintain them, refresh them and turn them into reality. however, the toughest part is that we often have no ideas how to translate these dreams into actions. well, just start with concrete objectives and stick to it. don‘t let the nameless fear confuse the eye and confound our strong belief of future. through our talents, through our wits, through our endurance and through our creativity, we will make it.

hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. so my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today.

英语演讲梦想演讲稿 篇8

Good morning/afternoon, Dear teachers and my friends. I’m a student from No.2 middle school of Qugou. My name is Zhao Bingjie. I’m very glad to stand here to make a short speech for you. Today my speech topic is “embrace the dream”.

Many people have a dream about the future besides me. I had a beautiful dream since I was a young little girl. I really want to be an outstanding writer like Guo Jingming in the future, because I liked reading very much when I was a child. So, I practice writing articles in my free time, by doing that I feel very comfortable. I love my dream and I will try my best to make my dream come true.

It’s about my dream, what about you? Do you have a dream? Do you think everyone has their own dreams? In fact, you are wrong. Many people never thought about future and what they will be like. They never have a dream . It’s not good for them. Only have dreams, then we can know what we should do for our dreams and try our best to make them true. So, it’s important and necessary to have a dream.

Someone once said that success comes from a dream. So, fellow students, let’s have a dream, and embrace the dream. Then, we will have a beautiful tomorrow!

My speech is over, thanks for your listening.

演讲稿二:关于梦想英语演讲稿——YOUR DREAM & YOUR GOAL

I am grateful for the opportunity to deliver my speech here after 7-days’ preparation with my friend Jinly. Thanks to Jinly’s strong support in our work. I think it is my way of saying thank you to you that giving an excellent presentation to all my friends here.

The subject of our presentation is “YOUR DREAM & YOUR GOAL”. During the next 10 minutes, we’ll give you a brief explanation of these stuff at the best of our knowledge.

First of all, I’d like to spent 3 or 5 minutes on discussing about the dream. When we were 5, they asked us what we want to be when we grow up. We answered like superman, princess, or in my case, a sailor moon. When we were 10, again they asked and the answer was policemen, doctors and some other high-principled jobs. But unfortunately, we finally found our dreams unrealistic as we entered a not-so-good high school, did not-so-good school works and went to a not-so-good direction in our life. I guess, many of you have thought about changing your dreams, but finally felt at a loss again. Yep! We’re adults and they are waiting for a serious answer. Well, how about this? WHO THE HELL KNOWS! Dream is only a dream. It’s unnecessary for us to think over our dreams all day long. You know, dreams always change, and this is not the time to make difficult decisions. But what do dreams do? Why do we still have an urgent need of dreams?

Think about it: do you have had a time when you were full of happiness just because you have made an achievement that pushes you a bit to your dream? Do you have had a time when you insist on what you were doing even the tears keep falling from your eyes? That is the power from dreams! May I equate the faith and the dream here? As we all know, aims and dreams are far from each other to some extent but close to each other on the other hand. Just like the parabola and the number line in mathematics. But it is the dream that help us to map out our aim and work out plans one after another in our life. Just like what Howard Schultz, the founder of the Starbuck said, Dreams are like the stars----we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them. And I believe that if you have a dream and make efforts step by step, some of you may extremely finish the quantitative change on the way to success and reach the qualitative change!

I would like to finish my part by a tongue twister: Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not. Whatever you dreams are and however difficult it is to realize them. Reach your aim step by step and I believe your dreams will extremely come into truth!

Thank you for your lending an attentive ear to my point of view. Let’swelcome Jinly and she will talk about the goal, which is the other part of our presentation, during the next 5 minutes.

Forgive my stupid words and it’s my pleasure to answer any of your questions after class!

You have been a very attentive audience---- thank you~!

演讲稿三:关于梦想英语演讲稿——My understanding of dreams

Good morning, it's my honor to stand here and give you this speech about dreams. There I want to start my speech with two short stories.

The first story happened when I was in primary school, I wrote in my composition that my dream was to be a teacher when I grew up. Meanwhile, what my classmates wrote about their dreams was that he or she wanted to be a doctor, a scientist or an astronaut.

The second story happened at my first year in university. At the careers planning class, when the teacher asked about our dreams, one of my classmates stood up and said, “I want to be a farmer, because I grow up in a farmer's family and I love to be engaged in agriculture.” When he sat down, everyone clapped.

These two stories happened during my growth process, from which I got my understanding of dreams. When I was a child I believed that a dream must be a big dream, but when I grow up I find this big dream is so far away from me, I know little about it, and I have done nothing to achieve it, so it's not my dream. My classmate's answer let me know a real dream is not just about being a great man, or doing a great job, it's about what you really want to be, and are willing to try every effort to pursue it.

Because what makes a dream valuable is not just about the result, it's also about the process, the process when you are trying, when you are struggling, when you failed and restarted again and again, because of the process, dreams can be meaningful and become your wealth.

Thank you.

演讲稿四:关于梦想英语演讲稿——Dreams andAmbitions

Good morning everyone, it's my pleasure to be here and talk about dreams and ambitions with you. When I was a primary school student I wrote in my composition that I want to be a scientist when I grow up. At that age I didn't know what is a scientist, nor did I know what is dream. I wrote it because it's a standard answer for a composition test. And I know if I wrote that I want to be a peasant I would be criticized and laughed at, no matter what reason I gave it. But now in university, one of my classmates changed my idea. At the career planning class when asked about our dreams, one of my classmates stood up and said, " I want to be a peasant because I grow up in a peasant family and I love it." No laughter, no criticism, he was the only who winned a clapping.

It sets me thinking, which should be a man's dream? a scientist, or a peasant? It's not a simple question and my answer is both. This is exactly my understanding of this topic. Dreams are something we really want and are willing to try every effort to achieve, no matter how great or how small, no matter how others think, it depends on you.

Life is long, and we are just on the starting point. Finally we'll understand life is not just about making a living. There're something much more important than money and material enjoyment, that is spiritual wealth, that is dream. It's the process of your pursuit of dream, the process when you are trying, when you are seeking, when you are struggling, when you failed and restarted again and again with your determination, hardwork, and perseverance that make you, build you, and help you to lead a




在知乎这个知识分享社区上,有许多优秀的英语演讲稿备受关注和赞赏。这些演讲稿以其深入的思考和生动的描述,向人们展示了英语演讲的魅力和力量。下面我将详细介绍一篇题为《如何克服困难与不安, 在生活中找到幸福与成长》的知乎上的优秀英语演讲稿。










a scene to remember

gu qiubei

shanghai international studies university

advisor: gong longsheng

good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

today i would like to begin with a story.

there was once a physical therapist(临床医学家) who traveled all the way from america to africa to do a census(调查) about mountain gorillas(大猩猩). these gorillas are a main attraction to tourists from all over the world; this put them severely under threat of poaching(偷猎) and being put into the zoo. she went there out of curiosity, but what she saw strengthened her determination to devote her whole life to fighting for those beautiful creatures.

she witnessed a scene, a scene taking us to a place we never imaged we've ever been, where in the very depth of the african rainforest, surrounded by trees, flowers and butterflies, the mother gorillas cuddled(拥抱) their babies.

yes, that's a memorable scene in one of my favorite movies, called gorillas in the mist, based on a true story of mrs. dian fossey, who spent most of bet lifetime in rwanda to protect the eco-environment there until the very end of her life. to me, the movie not only presents an unf***ettable scene but also acts as a timeless(永恒的) reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our eco-environment.

today, we live in a world of prosperity but still threatened by so many new problems. on the one hand, touri**, as one of the most promising industries in the 21st century, provides people with the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any place there is to go. it has be***e a lifestyle for some people, and has turned out to be the driving force in gdp growth.

it has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of prosperity. but on the other hand, many problems can occur---natural scenes aren't natural anymore. deforestation to heat lodges is devastating nepal.

oil spills from tourist boats are polluting antarctica. tribal people are forsaking their native music and dress to listen to u2 on walkman and wear nike and reeboks.

all these appalling(令人震惊的) facts have brought us to the realization that we can no longer stand by and do nothing, because the very thought of it has been eroding(侵蚀) our resources. encouragingly, the explosive growth of global travel has put touri** again in the spotlight, which is why the united nations has made 2002 the year of ecotouri**, for the first time to bring to the world's attention the benefits of touri**, but also its capacity to destroy our eco-environment.

now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection ***anizations an: receiving donations--big notes, **all notes or even coins--from housewives, plumbers(水管工人), ambulance drivers, sale**en, teachers, children and invalids(残疾人), some of them can not afford to send the money but they do. these are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological damage in their neighborhood.

why? because they care, because they still want their mother nature back. because they know it still belongs to them.


the poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open 。 i said:

thanksgiving to the door pushed open the living. if you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movement.


then, as a middle school student, how thanksgiving?


first thanksgiving their parents, because everyone%26#39;s life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents.


teachers are our growth领路人, are our friends, teachers care for us , their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should thanksgiving teachers.


students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly over***e difficulties and setbacks, the ***mon taste of success and happiness learning, we should be grateful for every day and we ac***panied the students.


thanksgiving-fighting, thanksgiving unlimited! students, and society thanksgiving! let us always to the life caring and full of love and love!


2. 英语

as everyone knows, english is very important today. it has been used everywhere in the world. it has be***e the most ***mon language on inter*** and for international trade.

if we can speak english well, we will have more chance to succeed. because more and more people have taken notice of it, the number of the people who go to learn english has increased at a high speed.



i enter tile university after years of hardstudy and preparation. but life in the university is not as satisfactory as what i had expected. i bee lazy and dont want to study.

i bee silcent. i bee puzzled. i dont know what i can do in the future.

then i bee unhappy.

four years in the university is only a short period when pared my whole lifetime. now it has passed a half. in this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what i want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life.

i dont want to follow their suggestion, and i want to go my style. so i think carefully. i have been a young volunteer for five years.

its very happy and significant.

then i have a dream.i want to join the university student volunteers go west programe. i think i can be a teacher in the west.

i want to try my best to help them and help me. i want to see the world cearly. now i cant reach its demand and its very diffcult,but i will work hard in the next two years.

there is an old sayingwhere there is a will,there is a way.i think my dream can e ture.now in the university i mature,and in the university i prepare for the real world.

at last,i want to say to everybodyhlod fast to your dreams,no matter how big or **all they are.the path to dreams may not be **ooth and wide,even some sacrifices are needed.but hold on to the end,you can find there is no geater happiness than ****** your dream e ture.


a young idler,an old beggar

almost everyone knows the famous chinese saying:a young idler,an old beggar. throughout history,we have seen many cases in which this saying has again and again proved to be true.

it goes without saying that the youth is the best time of life,during which ones mental and physical states are at their peaks. it takes relatively less time and pains to learn or accept new things in a world full of changes and rapid developments. in addition,one is less likely to be under great pressure from career,family and health problems when young.

therefore,a fresh mind plus enormous energy will ensure success in different aspects of life.

of course,we all know:no pains,no gains. if we dont make every effort to make good use of the advantages youth brings us,it is impossible to achieve any goals.

as students,we should now try our best to learn all the subjects well so that we can be well prepared for the challenges that we will face in the future.





















Kobe Bryant first-round draft 13 in 1996 by charlotte hornets selected, then was traded to the Los Angeles lakers. Bryant is now the NBA's best scorer, breakthrough, shooting, free throws, three points he is blind, almost no offense stride, single game 81 points of personal record strong proved this point. Besides the crazy, Bryant's organizational ability is also outstanding, often as a team of the first sponsors. Bryant is the best one of the defense, defense is close-fitting oppressive.



Discovering Beauty

Life is full of beauty. Beauty lies not only in nature but also in our heart. If we have a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted, we can find beauty everywhere around.

Let beauty be our guide to understand ourselves. People always have a strong desire for better appearance. Whatever their age, size, or shape, they hope to look more attractive. Beauty is only skin deep. But true beauty lies deep inside us. A heart for love is the most valuable. Only in our heart does beauty make our life beautiful.

Let beauty be our way to communicate with nature. At the foot of the hill, we see beauty running in the clear river smoothly. On top of the mount, we see beauty rising with the dawn from the east quietly. In the heat of summer, we see beauty dancing with the autumn leaves. In the cold of winter, we see beauty coming with the spring upon sprouts. We shout, we love you, Nature! Our voice reverberates across the mountains, while beauty reverberates in our heart!

Let beauty be our bridge between man and nature. In the harmony, beauty is a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight.

Beauty is something to see, to breathe, to feel and to complete. Beauty is life when life unveils her holy face.








good morning everyone, before my speech, i want to ask one question, what do you eat this morning? yeah, food is present in our life every time. so today my topic is how do we eat on campus?

1,in china there is an old saying: bread is the staff of life. the chinese meaning is 民以食为天。obviously, it means food plays a decisive [di'saisiv] role in our daily life, food safety is a matter of primary ['praim?ri] importance , the issue is closely related to ordinary people’s health.

2, as we know, the food safety is a serious problem in china, and on campus ,the matter is also exist, and the unhealthy food harm our health everyday. for example, in the morning, you buy a donut for breakfast, and likely, the donut is made by drainage oil; and when you hungry you buy kebab ,it may be dealed with chemical materials. so even on campus, we also should improve food safety awareness.

3, the unhealthy food seriously harm our body, it can cause different kinds of diseases, from a headache to cancer, this is not a threat, some unhealthy food, containing various additives. and which give a tremendous threat to us. some unhealthy food will make us ill, such as diarrhea , stomach ache and other disease of digestive tract. some food additives use chemical materials to make food looks better, but it will carcinogenic [,kɑ:sin?u'd?enik] in a long time.


Good afternoon everyone,

It is an honor to be standing here today, delivering a speech about excellence in English names. As we all know, names are an important aspect of our culture, and they play a significant role in our personal and professional lives. A well-chosen name can be a great asset, opening doors and creating opportunities that might not be available otherwise.

The selection of an English name is especially important for non-native English speakers, who often struggle with pronunciation and cultural connotations when using their original names in an English-speaking environment. While there is no set formula for choosing a perfect English name, there are some guidelines that can help non-native speakers make a positive impression in their professional and personal lives.

Firstly, a good English name should be easy to pronounce and remember. This is especially important in a multicultural environment, where people are often meeting new faces and trying to remember a multitude of new names. A simple and straightforward name, like David or Rachel, will be much more approachable and easier to remember than a complicated or unusual name.

Secondly, a good English name should have positive connotations. Names like Hope or Grace carry positive meanings that are associated with good virtues, and are likely to be viewed positively by others. Conversely, names with negative connotations, like Lucifer or Jezebel, should be avoided at all costs, as they may create negative impressions and harm personal reputations.

Thirdly, a good English name should reflect the person's personality and individuality. This is perhaps the most important aspect of choosing a name, as it allows individuals to present themselves in a unique and authentic way. Names like Maverick or Scarlett, for example, suggest a strong and independent personality, while names like Aiden or Taylor suggest a more gentle and approachable person. By choosing a name that reflects their personality, individuals can create a positive first impression and establish a personal brand that people will remember.

In conclusion, choosing a good English name is an important aspect of personal branding for non-native English speakers. By selecting a name that is easy to pronounce, has positive connotations, and reflects their personality, individuals can establish a positive image and build relationships that will lead to success in their personal and professional lives. Thank you for listening.





honourable judges and friends,

good morning! i am very glad to be here to share my college life with you .

two years ago, i came into this city of and started my college life , the most memorable journey of my life. i was just a shy and little girl that time. all the things seemed fresh to me:

new faces, large library and physics lab etc. i breathed the air of college greedily, i was curious about everything.the class given by the teachers are excellent.

they provide us with information not only from our textbook but from other sources as well.i actively involved in student union and varies of association. but soon i realized that i do not make full use of my spare time ,so i got a part-time job to help a junior student with math lessons besides,i also took part in activities concerning public welfare.

we taught the kids there who could not afford school, i was deeply touched by their eagerness to learn, the precious experience with the poor kids made me aware of the responsibility on the shoulders of us--future teachers. the eichment of experience taught me the significance of

modesty,responsibility,tolerance,and perseverance.

and now i have been here two years. recalling to the two years, i think i have to talk about one thing--learning. learn how to study independently, learn how to get along with others, learn to love, learn to...

oh, there are too much things we have to learn.

***paring with senior high school, college is a rather different place. there arent so many people to watch you and guide you how to do something any more, neither are there so many students who share with you one dream. in college, you must think and study yourself, so you have to learn and practice to control yourself.

another relationship in college is friendship. my roommates have lived two years with me. in these years, they f***ive my faults, cry with me, laugh with me, play with me...

they always stand with me and support me, i have learned a lot from them. i love them all and treasure the friendship with them.

in the next 2 years,ill try my best to and make great contributions to society! thats my college life. i cherish all i have experienced in college.

i love you, my college!

thats all, thank you!


大学生英语演讲稿i believe in our future

honorable judges, fellow students: recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary places.

but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all odds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of our country?

the cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, which would cringe at the slightest dis***fort. but the cynics are wrong. the college students i see are eagerly learning about how to live independently.

we help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.

the cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character cultivation. but again, the cynics are wrong. we care deeply for each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth.

last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.











大学生英语演讲稿17 change the ingredients of your life

this is a glass of water, tasteless, right? however if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will be***e bitter. the same is true with our life the flavor is created by our choices.

if kindness is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy. if love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.

so my dear friends, never ***plain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. if don‘t like the taste of your life, change the ingredients.

three year ago, i weighed more than 100 hundred kilograms which caused significant embarras**ent and frustration in my life. like always failing my p.e examinations, like always being laughed at by girls, like being terrified to speak in public.

it was my grandmother‘s encouragement that revived from my passive attitude to be***e confident in myself. she said ― my dear, if you can‘t change you figure, why not treat it as your own style. so i began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking.

by choosing to change my outlook on life, i developed the confidence to make a difference and finally i found a totally new world.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It's my great honor to be here today to speak about the topic of exceptional and outstanding individuals, and how their qualities and achievements can inspire us to be better versions of ourselves.

There are many famous individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to society, such as Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. These figures have become symbols of hope, courage, and resilience. They have left an indelible mark on history, and their legacies continue to inspire generations of people to strive for greatness.

What makes these individuals stand out from the rest? While they may have had different ideas, beliefs, and approaches, they shared some common qualities that set them apart. First and foremost, they had a clear sense of purpose and vision. They knew what they wanted to achieve and were willing to dedicate their lives to it. They were driven by a sense of mission, not just personal ambition. This allowed them to overcome obstacles, challenges, and setbacks, and to stay focused on their goals.

Secondly, these individuals were not afraid to take risks and face uncertainty. They were willing to go against the grain and challenge the status quo. They had the courage to speak out against injustice, stand up for what they believed in, and take bold actions. They were willing to face opposition, criticism, and even danger in order to make a difference.

Thirdly, these individuals possessed a deep sense of empathy and compassion. They saw beyond their own needs and desires and were able to connect with the struggles and suffering of others. They were able to empathize with the plight of the oppressed, the marginalized, and the vulnerable. They saw their own humanity reflected in the faces of others and were moved to act on their behalf.

Finally, these exceptional individuals were able to mobilize others to join them in their cause. They were able to bring together people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and ideologies to work towards a common goal. They were charismatic leaders who could inspire, motivate, and energize others to join them in their quest.

As we reflect on the lives of these exceptional individuals, we can draw inspiration and guidance for our own lives. We can strive to cultivate these same qualities in ourselves and become better leaders, citizens, and human beings. We can clarify our own sense of purpose and vision, take risks and embrace uncertainty, cultivate empathy and compassion, and mobilize others to join us in our mission.

In conclusion, exceptional individuals are not born, but made. They are forged through passion, purpose, courage, empathy, and leadership. They are a testament to the power of the human spirit and the limitless potential of the human mind. Let us honor their legacies by striving to become exceptional individuals ourselves. Thank you.


Doing exercise

Having fun

right?why not turn exercise into fun?欢迎来到我们的学校!我的学校是一个很漂亮的!它有一个大操场。附近的操场,有一个花园。空气很干净,我们可以听到鸟儿在树上歌唱。我们的教学楼是周围的花园和看起来像我们的老师的怀抱欢迎我们。我们可以画画的美术室一楼和阅读故事书在图书馆的二楼。我的教室在三楼。这是清洁和光亮。

As an example, if TV is your favorite thing to do, why not connect your TV set to an electric generator that is charged by a stationary bike, you know, the kind of bike you peddle, that doesn’t go anywhere. So think about it, the more you watch TV, the fitter you’ll be.

Now if you are the kind of person who thinks listening to music is fun and you spend many hours alone tap tap tapping your fingers and your toes to the beat, why not take it one step further and get up on your feet and dance, dance, dance.

Or maybe you’re the type of person who prefers being with your friends. There are many ways one could have fun with their pals. For instance you could just hang out and do nothing or better yet you could get into a friendly game of basketball or football there is no rule that says everyone has to be as good as Yao Ming or David Beckham, right?

However sometimes there just aren’t enough players, or you may even be alone in which case you could go for a ride on your bike, maybe, stop by the library to borrow a book, or go for a walk around the park and enjoy the sunshine and scenery. Before you know it, you’re having fun.

Let’s face it, exercise is work and when we think of work we think of thankless underpaid hardships yet it needn’t be this way, if we think of exercise as fun.



good morning, dear friends and guests!

it’s my great honor to participate in this activity.

my name is huang guanyu, i’m nine years old this year. the title of my speech is: my dream.

i have many dreams, such as playing the piano, dancing, drawing, singing and so on.

but now, i really fell in love with english.

if i can use english to ***municate with everyone, then my heart will be very happy! because i like to talk to others in english, to express my feelings.

when i grow up, i hope i can study abroad in foreign countries, because i want to be a good diplomat in the future.

by that time, i can travel all the world, enjoy the scenery of different countries, and understand their different customs and habits. this is the reason why i like english.

now, let me sing a song for you, please enjoy. (sing)

this is all of my speech.

thank you!



is failure a bad thing failure is a ***mon thing in our daily life. as students, we sometimes fail to get high scores in our exams. when we play games, we might be beaten by others.

and there are times when we fail to do work well. all these failures happen naturally and almost every one of us has such experiences. however, there are different attitudes towards failure.

some people lose heart when they fail; they think the world is at its end. some people don‘t take failure seriously but just let it be, while some others learn much from failure, and therefore see the light of hope through failure. in my opinion, what is really important is not failure itself, but what we think of failure and what we do after failure.

as long as we don‘t give up, keeping believing in ourselves, and at the same time learn something from failure, we‘ll certainly make our mark in the end. so i am never afraid of failure, for i believe that failure is not a bad thing. rather, “failure is the mother of success.

” 失败是坏事吗失败在我们的日常生活中很常见。作为学生,我们有时考试得不到高分。当我们和别人比赛时,有时我们会输。






good morning everyone, today is my turn to the speech. first of all, i would like to say that a quick test, we hope that the good preparation, good test for all, is the only way home for a good year. my english is not high, i wish i could within the next two years to learn english well.

i hope you will be able to learn english after graduation to have a good future. finally, i wish the students and teachers a happy new year, further study and work. well!

i finished the speech. thank you for listening。






today i am very happy,because i can talk about with you.you see i am

a lovely girl,yes!i like laughing,i like studying.that`s me-- zhuyingjie from badong shiyan primary school.

i am eight. i am young but i know “we are the masters of nature.” we have only one earth.

but now,the environment be***es worse and worse. as you know,there's no enough clean water for people. so many of them los

e their lives because of water.if we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow.

my dear friend let us start from the trivial side,to be a good kid keeper.


my favourite super star is jj , he has a lovely dimple and his eyes are also very lovely . now let me tell you the story about jj .

he enterde the music indestry at the year 201x , before that year ,he was only a boy who wrote songs for many super stars ,his songs were liked by many people but no one care who was the writer . he was noly hard to write songs because he like music ,he thought music has it soal , if you sing it by heart , it well be lived .

i like a song of him , it's name is cries in a distance , the song tells us ,nothing is sad if we belive the hope . he has many difficulty , but his song says , cries in a distance , can't stop the tremble , i'm just waiting my turn , hiding will never , save me forever , the guns gonne get me for sure . dear god i pray why won't you be my friend , ***e to me and take my hand ,like mama would say everything will be ok.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to talk about the topic of "Outstanding People", a topic that has fascinated and inspired us for generations. What makes a person truly outstanding? Is it their achievements, their character, or their impact on the world? While these qualities certainly contribute to greatness, I believe that it is a combination of all these factors and more that make a person truly exceptional.

Let's start by discussing achievements. We often associate outstanding individuals with their extraordinary accomplishments. History is filled with examples of visionaries who have changed the course of human events. Take Thomas Edison, for instance, his inventions revolutionized the world, and his relentless pursuit of knowledge led to remarkable breakthroughs. His unyielding determination and resilience in the face of failure are qualities that we can all learn from.

However, it is not just achievements that define an outstanding person, but also their character. Nelson Mandela, the great South African leader, exemplified the qualities of courage, forgiveness, and compassion. His unwavering commitment to justice and equality, even after spending 27 years in prison, is a testament to his character. Mandela once said, "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." His values and integrity continue to inspire millions around the world.

Furthermore, an exceptional individual is characterized by the impact they have on the world. Mahatma Gandhi, the father of India's independence, is a prime example of this. Through non-violent resistance, he led his country to freedom, leaving a lasting legacy of peace and human rights. Gandhi's teachings of non-violence and his ability to bring people together continue to influence global movements for justice and equality.

However, outstanding people are not limited to historical figures. In the present day, there are countless individuals who are making a difference in their communities and beyond. Take Malala Yousafzai, the young Pakistani activist who advocates for girls' education. Despite facing countless threats, she continues to fight for the rights of children to receive quality education. Malala's courage and determination have garnered attention on a global scale, making her a role model for young people everywhere.

In conclusion, outstanding individuals are those who make a lasting impact on the world through their achievements, character, and influence. History has provided us with countless examples of exceptional individuals who have changed the course of human events. However, we must also recognize the everyday heroes among us who are making a difference in their own unique ways. Whether it is through scientific discoveries, acts of kindness, or advocacy for social justice, outstanding people inspire us to reach for greatness in ourselves.

As we reflect on the lives of these exceptional individuals, let us also strive to become the best versions of ourselves. Let us embrace their values and virtues, and work towards creating a better world. Each and every one of us has the potential to be outstanding, and it is up to us to unlock that potential and make a difference in the world.

Thank you.




e is……. i am from qinyang vocational school. i am glad to be here.

today my topic is “saving our mother—the earth “

i’d like to begin my topic with my dream. a few days ago, i had a dream, i became a doctor. i had my clinic on the mars.

one day after i finished curing a patient, another one came in. oh, my god! it was our mother— the earth.

she was crying.” doctor, please save me! please save me!

”her terrible looking frightened me. she looked weak and painful. she said,” doctor, i am dying.

look! my skin — the forests are being cut down by people, my blood —the rivers and oceans are being polluted by the waste from the factories, my children —the people and animals are killing each other. my whole body is covered with wounds.

please save me!”

suddenly, i woke up. bless me! it was just a dream.

but would it be a dream forever man did not have to think about the protection of the environment before, as there were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited. today things are different. the world has be***e too crowed.

our natural resources are being used up and the environment is

being polluted by human beings.

now , please look at the sky, black **og is full of the sky. we can’t see the blue sky. you can see lots of cars in the streets.

they give off terrible gas every second. and you can see factory chimneys giving off black **oke. so we have to breathe the polluted air.

waste water is given off from factories. it directly flows into rivers and oceans. so we have to drink the polluted water and eat the polluted food everyday.

and you can hear noise from time to time. more and more people die from the illness, which caused by pollution. and now nature is punishing us.

if we don’t do anything to save the earth, maybe the dream will be***e true in the near future. at that time, we can do nothing but cry for what we have done to nature.

no nature, no life! just imagine, if there were no trees no flowers and no animals in the world, only pollutants were left, how terrible it would be! we have only one earth.

don’t let our mother — the earth cry! if we want to live a better life and have a brighter future, we must do our best to protect her now, not only for the wellbeing of ourselves, but also for that of our future generations.

what can we do to save our mother — the earth as one of her children, as a student, we should make good use of every piece

of *****, we should not litter rubbish here and there; we should use ecofriendly bags when we go shopping. we should collect used batteries, we should protect flowers and trees and plant trees every year .we should go to school on foot or by bike or by bus instead of driving cars.

we shouldn’t use throwaway chopsticks and plastic bags. we should save natural resources at any time. not only do we protect the earth, but also we tell people around us to do so.

there are many, many things we can do to protect our mother —the earth. in a word, we do from ourselves, from now, from here.

dear friends, we are the children of the earth. it’s our duty to protect our mother—the earth. because saving the earth is saving ourselves!

finally, i’d like to end my topic with a little poem, “be kind to the rivers. be good to the trees. **ile at the sunshine, and bow to the breeze.

be friendly to nature, and nature will be friendly to you!”

thank you very much!

篇四:英语演讲稿我的梦想students, guests , teachers and honorable judges

good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to be***e a teacher....

as the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. i don’t expect ***plete freedom, which is impossible. i simply have a dream that supports my life.

i dream that one day, i could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. with my favorite fictions, i lie freely on the green grass, **elling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. ****** and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction.

i dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of ***ic and cartoon away. they could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. that’s the real ***munication of heart to heart.

i have the belief that my dreams should ***e true. i am looking forward to some day ***ing when i am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky.

篇五:英语演讲稿我的梦想students, guests , teachers and honorable judges

good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you i was a child, i wanted to be a teacher. my father was a teacher, and he taught me a lot. i worshiped him very much.

on my tenth birthday, he asked me,“what do you want to be when you grow up”i answered proudly,“i want to be a teacher like you!”on hearing this, my father was very happy and said to me, “work hard and your dream will ***e true.” not long ago, one of my primary school teachers was ill.

she wanted me to take her place for two weeks. i was glad but nervous. my father said to me,“this is a good chance.

seize it! i wish you success!” when i came into the classroom, the children were very happy.

i introduced myself to them. soon, i got on well with them. they all liked me and i loved them.

with my father and headmaster's help, i did the work very well. now, i often miss those lovely children. that experience had made me even more interested in being a teacher in the future.

篇六:英语演讲稿我的梦想students, guests , teachers and honorable judges

good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you have kept the dream in my mind for so long that whoever in the sun is able to live a happy life for ever.

i think this dream is deeply rooted in the future. as we can see, we are now not far away from violence, poverty, diseases, environmental pollution and even wars. most of people are in need of what they have never enjoyed.

however, i still can stick to my innermost dream, as i still can see the bright lights in our future. i believe, there will be a day when those from the rich counties are really willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries; there will be a day when we are surprised to find that the word poverty has long been out of our memories; there will be a day when we are together to share our dreams and we will all contribute to ****** our ***mon

dreams ***e true.

i will not just wait but to take action to live in my dream.

from: /englishstudy/yingyuyanjianggao/20090518/

篇七:初中英语演讲稿我的梦想students, guests , teachers and honorable judges

good morning !

my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to be***e a teacher....

as the whole world has its boundaries, limits and freedom coexist in our life. i don’t expect ***plete freedom, which is impossible. i simply have a dream that supports my life.

i dream that one day, i could escape from the deep sea of thick schoolbooks and lead my own life. with my favorite fictions, i lie freely on the green grass, **elling the spring, listening to the wind singing, breathing the fresh and cool air and dissolve my soul in nature at last. ****** and short enjoyment can bring me great satisfaction.

i dream that one day the adults could throw their prejudice of ***ic and cartoon away. they could keep a lovely heart that can share sorrow and happiness with us while watching cartoon or doing personal things. that’s the real ***munication of heart to heart.

i have the belief that my dreams should ***e true. i am looking forward to some day ***ing when i am like a proud eagle, which flies to the blue and vast sky.

篇八:《我的梦想》小学英语演讲稿good morning teachers .today i’m very happy to make a speech here .

my name is lenglinxuan i’m 12. i ***e from class 1 grade 6 of henglu primary school. now i’ll start my speech my dream.

everyone has his own dream. some want to be doctors. others hope to be writes.

but my dream is to be***e a teacher. because i admire teachers .teachers can not teach us many things at school, but they do their best to teach us how to learn.

thanks to them, we learn knowledge. and at the same time, we learn how to live a happy life. they spend most time on their students.

they are great in my heart.

i know it is not easy to make my dream ***e true. zhang haidi aunt once said: "everyone's life is a boat, and ideal is the boat sails.

"if, say, ideal is a boat to successful, so, i'll take good rudder.

from now on i decide to study harder. i’m sure my dream will ***e true. my speech is over .

thank you for listening.






我知道我的梦想并不那么容易。 张海迪阿姨有次说过:“每个人的生活是一艘船,理想就是船帆。”假如说理想是驶向成功的船,我将要掌好船舵。


篇九:我的梦想英语演讲稿范文my great pleasure to share my dream with you have kept the dream in my mind for so long that whoever in the sun is able to live a happy life for ever.

i think this dream is deeply rooted in the future. as we can see, we are now not far away from violence, poverty, diseases,

environmental pollution and even wars. most of people are in need of what they have never enjoyed. however, i still can stick to my

innermost dream, as i still can see the bright lights in our future. i believe, there will be a day when those from the rich counties are really willing to share what they have with those from the poor

countries; there will be a day when we are surprised to find that the word poverty has long been out of our memories; there will be a day when we are together to share our dreams and we will all contribute to ****** our ***mon dreams ***e true.

i will not just wait but to take action to live in my dream.

篇十:我的梦想(英文演讲稿)dreams are beautiful, they keep us going forward.

it is because the dreams of our teachers that we are here today.

everyone can dream:

adults and kids, males and females, captives and free men.

even the blind can see through dreams. so allow kids like me to dream. i have a dream.

that one day, people will stop polluting the earth.

that one day, i can be***e what i want to be***e.

that one day, i can take very good care of my parents.

i have a dream that you will have these same dreams, just like i do.

a life without dreams is not worth living.

so don't be afraid to dream.

let’s dream big….. thank you.



i have had a lot of teachers in my school who have given me much help in my study. for their help i will never f***et them. but today i am going to talk about a special teacher of mine.

this teacher is not a human being and its name is“***puter”. it has been teaching me a lot of knowledge and i appreciate it very much.

with the development of modern science and technology, ***puters are widely used in every teritories (1) including education. how can a ***puter be my teacher? how does a ***puter teach me?

**********(多**)helps a lot in this aspect in recent years, and ***puter-based training (cbt) has be***e a popular educational medium (手段). even before the ********** ***e (2) up, many different learning systems appeared, using the ***ponents and techniques we now associate with the term “**********”. ********** ***ponents, such as graphics (动画) , animations , sound and video, make the learning process easier through visualization.

animations can present many ***plex subjects dynamically, but human teachers can not do this on blackboards. ********** makes our study more lively and interesting. for example, a cd-rom disk named “encarta encyclopedia” contains 650 mb information including images, graphics, music clips, video clips, animations , texts, hotwords, and database search functions.

fields involved includes physical sciences, performance arts, social sciences, politics, military, education and so on. when pressing a button, i can hear american president clinton’s speech clip. i may enjoy playing all kinds of musical instruments in the world.

i can also see the animation of many physical phenomena. this makes physical concept to be understood deeply (3). the audio features of ********** can greatly help me learning (4) foreign languages.

with its speech output capabilities, i’m no longer dependent on an instructor for proper pronunciation.

how can i interact with a ***puter? there are many ways, including keyboard, mouse pointer, and touch screen. i often use a keyboard.

when i press right keys, i can see and hear whatever i want. information world is at my fingertip. i wish that true speech input-output system would be invented one day.

as teachers, ***puters have a lot of virtues: they are positive, they have good memories and never lose any information stored in them. they have much knowledge in every field.

they can let out all kinds of sounds, and can also improve the efficiency of our study. for example, if i want to, i can skip some chapters so that i can study at my own pace.

although ***puters will never take the place of human teachers, they are wel***ed by more and more learners. ***puters will continue to evolve(发展)with the aid of modern technologies. ***puters are so powerful, helpful and important that everybody needs it, especially in the future!

i love my ***puter teacher!

thank you.










































When passing a small piano, see piano were filled full of piano, I think, if I have a piano that be nice Yeah, if I can pop up on the piano melody that be nice .

Later, my mother finally bought me a piano, and then gave me and found a teacher. Every Sunday, Zhu teachers must give my last class, every day I have to practice piano for an hour.

Just began to feel a lot of fun, a bit Xianfan a long time, but in the mother's help and teacher's encouragement, I finally stuck with it, this summer I have also passed the 6 piano exam.

I played music growing nicely, I have friends and family Doukua “Little Pianist.”




       In the dark shadows looked David and her mother enron and go to sleep, mood calm, perhaps we should from ethics and moral perspective to enjoy the movie, not from the scientific point of view.Because I feel inside a lot of technology is not, at least we have enough knowledge.But still undeniable, artificial intelligence is inevitable, or for human life has brought great changes, it brings us convenience and challenges have nots allow to ignore.首先我们先从科学的角度来重新回顾一下这部电影吧。

       First we from scientific point of view to review the movie.在影片的开始,我们看到了一个外观极其类似真人的女机器人,我认为随着材料科学的发展,这是可以实现的。人的运动要考神经传递兴奋从而控制机体的运动,那么机器人要依靠程序控制,所以我觉得及时我们做出了和人类近似的关节与肌肤,让机器人学会像人类一样微笑一样走路,用程序精确地控制动作我们还有很长的一段路要走。

       In the movie, we saw a very similar to the real appearance of female robot, I think with the development of material science, which can be realized.People want to take an examination of the movement of neurotransmitter excited to control the robot to rely on motion, process control, so I think we make timely and human approximate joints and skin, let robot to walk like humans, with smile accurate control of the action program we've got a long way to go.我最信任的是机器人的记忆功能,这是机器强于人类的地方,2000年之后,David已然记得妈妈最爱的coffee,我们人类怎么可能做到呢?将外界的信号转化成数字信号储存起来,数字不会说谎,不会混乱,就长久地储存在芯片中,不像人的记忆,存在在有活性不断更新的细胞中。

       I trust the memory of a robot, which is stronger than humans, machine after 2000, David has remember mother love coffee, how could we humans do? The signals into digital signals stored, digital don't lie, not chaos, and long storage in chip, don't like a person, there exist in memory of active continuously updated cells.与记忆功能一样,我也觉得人工只能的模仿能力可以实现。我也相信人工智能能听从人的指令做出相应的反应,现在已经有机器人做得到。

       With the memory function, I also think artificially only imitation can achieve.I also believe that artificial intelligence can listen to people's instruction react, now has a robot.还有就是痛觉,在电影中孩子们欺负David,想证实他是否能感觉到疼痛,事实上,机器人的痛觉应该会比人类更敏感,依靠精确的传感器,人工只能都可以知道加在自己身上的力有几牛顿

       There is pain in the movie, David, children bullying to confirm whether he can feel pain, in fact, the robot will be more pain than humans, rely on the sensor sensitive, accurate and can know only artificially in force has several Newton


       Then say, I think it can realize, or difficult to realize.人区别与动物的本质特征是语言,在电影中,人工智能可以很好地与人类沟通,与同类沟通,语言是思维的表现,人工智能真的能够有独立的思维吗?我们有理由相信,如果机器人有思维,那么我们一定能让它用语言表达出来,那么我们要创造出类人智慧实质上也就变成了创造出“人造思维”。人脑是可以仿制可以数字化的吗?数字化了的大脑可以不断接受外


       One difference and the essential characteristics of animals is language, in the movie, artificial intelligence can well with human communication, and communication, language is a kind of thinking, artificial intelligence really can have independent thinking? We have reason to believe that if robots have thought, so we can make it in words, then we will create such wise becomes essentially creating “artificial thinking”.The brain can be modelled can digital? The brain can continuously digital signal, accept outside how it has never met with the situation? How to simulate the reasoning ability?


       To realize the true artificial intelligence, humans must first know enough.了解我们思维产生的方式,然后才能模拟,制造出类人思维。思维的产生伴随这一系列物理变化化学变化,怎样让机器实现呢?

       Understanding our thinking mode, then can create such people, thinking.Thinking of the series with a physical change, how to let the machine chemical changes to achieve?


       Relative to the rational thinking, perceptual love perhaps harder.We can say to you, for you have been so smile is love you? I think about love movie opens special program has inspired form.In the movie of red card say seven words.Vines, perhaps this is the person to open this program into a dependence and trust, this is a love of factors.Socrates, I think that wisdom and, without thinking what about love? This word should represent particles to the realization of the technology needed to love.Db, can understand the other requirements for love, listen with understanding.Hurricane, love the procedures such as hurricanes in the face of such test for each other can keep still care.Dolphins, Marine the cleverest animal, can also represents intelligence, and the origin of is the tulips, for all the good things of perception and appreciation.So I think the realization of the program, we love to trust, understanding and thinking, technology, inclusive, of beauty and perception, we can simulate the out?


       At the end of the artificial intelligence is what? Perhaps we should never have come to an end.












胜利往往垂青于有准备的人。在这次考试中我们就一定能够取得满意的成绩!we should thanksgiving teachers.




Every morning , I go to school at 9:00. Maybe you’ll say you are late for school, but tell you the good news. We start our class at 9:30, and also we only have 3 class a day. In the afternoon, we can read books, play games, listen to the music and so on.

In the evening I watch my favorite cartoons, because I don’t have homework. And my parents tell me that I can do whatever I want.

What a nice day! But do you know this is just my dream. I hope the dream will be true.


now,we are young,so ihope we can study hard.not in order to repay parents, not in order to repay the teacher, but in order to repay more and more peaple.


during the summer vacation, i played five days in ceramics factory work, and i find a terrible things, later if i still to work to do that,it is too bad. not make the work into high and low, everyone in the society has contributed, only contribution to human is different , such as einstein and shichuanxiang, they both make contributions to society, but its contribution is different. ceramic export only earn a little money, and only to solve their own food and clothing.

在这个暑假我打了5天的工,发现了一件很可怕的事情,如果将来我还在打工就太糟糕了。不是把工作分成高低贵贱,每个人在为社会做贡献,只是贡献不同,就像时传祥和爱迪生,他们都在为社会做贡献,但是贡献却不同。we all hope that the people around because we exist and can be more happiness, but when we can only do something for our livelihood,and those unfortunate people were still suffer at thethe bottom in the social, they did not because the existence of you and be able to look at the sun, and when you also found this, you will be sorry.


therefore, in order to avoid the tragedy, when we will be able to change destiny, study hard, improve our own quality, improve our own cultural level, is not only for our future can well-fed glut, more important is to be able to do our best contribution in the society, to realize their own value.


hope the workers’ work becouse us to be more easily and safely, social system can because of us to be more perfect, let more people enjoy freedom, equality, and enjoy life.



Doing exercise

Having fun

right?why not turn exercise into fun?欢迎来到我们的学校!我的学校是一个很漂亮的!它有一个大操场。附近的操场,有一个花园。空气很干净,我们可以听到鸟儿在树上歌唱。我们的教学楼是周围的花园和看起来像我们的老师的怀抱欢迎我们。我们可以画画的美术室一楼和阅读故事书在图书馆的二楼。我的教室在三楼。这是清洁和光亮。

As an example, if TV is your favorite thing to do, why not connect your TV set to an electric generator that is charged by a stationary bike, you know, the kind of bike you peddle, that doesn’t go anywhere. So think about it, the more you watch TV, the fitter you’ll be.

Now if you are the kind of person who thinks listening to music is fun and you spend many hours alone tap tap tapping your fingers and your toes to the beat, why not take it one step further and get up on your feet and dance, dance, dance.

Or maybe you’re the type of person who prefers being with your friends. There are many ways one could have fun with their pals. For instance you could just hang out and do nothing or better yet you could get into a friendly game of basketball or football there is no rule that says everyone has to be as good as Yao Ming or David Beckham, right?

However sometimes there just aren’t enough players, or you may even be alone in which case you could go for a ride on your bike, maybe, stop by the library to borrow a book, or go for a walk around the park and enjoy the sunshine and scenery. Before you know it, you’re having fun.

Let’s face it, exercise is work and when we think of work we think of thankless underpaid hardships yet it needn’t be this way, if we think of exercise as fun.


good afternoon! my dear teachers and friends. my name is li wenwen.

i’m fourteen years old.in class 8,grade 1.

different people has different dreams. someone wants to be a doctor. someone wants to be a basketball player,because he is good at sports.

someone wants to be a writer, because he likes writing. someone wants to be a teacher because he likes teaching children.

what do i want to do when i’m older?

you see,i like playing the piano and i am good at it. so i want to bee a piano player.(pianist).

playing the piano is very interesting. and you can learn something of music. piano can make your life beautiful and happy.

your life is full of music. a lot of musicians and singers love playing the pianos.

i could play the piano when i was ten years old. all of my teachers and my clas**ates say i can play the piano very well. i have got grand five .

i hope when i’m sixteen years old , i can get grand eight.

now i’m a middle school student. there are many things at school. sometimes ,i have no time to play the piano.

but,i’ll still be harder and harder to practise.the youngest pianoist, langlang is my idol. he is such a great pianoist.

i hope i can be a pianoist like him.

i know being a piano is a hard job. but i believe i can do it. there is a will, there is a way.

my dream will e ture one day. believe me! thank you!
























梦想是我们在成长过程当中,最要好的朋友。它陪伴着我们长大长高。要想人生有意义,就要为梦想去拼搏去奋斗。 回想起,李连杰叔叔的梦想:就是以一颗感恩的心来回馈这个社会,把具有东方特色的运动—太极,推向世界。


























i have a dream.i want to do whatever i want in the future.have a good jub.i will have sometime with my parent.have meat

together,shopping together.not too lich,not too poor,just

happy.everyone will be healthy and happy.that is my dream.not big,but what i real want.that is all.thank you.


good morning/afternoon/evening to mr.____(your teacher's name) and my friends.

i would like to introduce you a short novel named “the old man and the sea”.

it is written by ernest hemingway in cuba in 1951 and published in 1952.

the story of an aging, life-long fisherman who attempts to find himself, and hopefully a fish, on a fishing trip in the gulf waters off cuba.

after spending most of his life alone and losing his only

companion who is a young cuban boy, the old man heads out to sea once again.

his 84 days without a notable catch end on this trip, but will he be able to defeat the odds after catching a gigantic marlin?

this short novel is universal in its consideration of the plight of an old man struggling against age, loneliness, mortality, humility

and poverty to maintain his identity and dignity. apart from that, the cheerful and optimistic old man wants to reestablish his

reputation in the community. besides, he also wants to ensure for all time his relationship with those he loves and to whom he hopes to paon everything he values the most. finally, he survives and wins the battle. this has shown his heroic struggle not only redeems himself but also inspires and spiritually enriches those around him. thanks for your attention.

a common concept among some people is that opportunities are few. they always complain that opportunities never occur to them. they only admire those people who make a hit or succeed by seizing some opportunities, and always wonder why they are never given a good opportunity to show their talent.

another common notion is that there are opportunities everywhere. opportunity may occur to anybody at any time and under any

circumstances as long as he/she keeps ma-ki-ng constant efforts. as a student, you can get to the top through your hard work. as a

businessman, you can succeed through accurate calculation and with a complete certainty that you can make a pr(转载于:有趣的英语演讲主题)ofit.

in my opinion, opportunity favors only those who keep trying and who are ready for it. as the saying goes "god helps those who help themselves", so no matter whether there's opportunity or not, what we should do is to study, to learn and become learned people, only in this way can you seize your opportunity when it occurs. so never say there's no opportunity again, opportunities are around us.













关于英语演讲稿 篇1

brilliant future green hopesand at the same time, the actions of protecting the environment are going on, too. my father changed all the taps in my family into saving-water ones, and all the water we use are recycled for at least 2 or 3 times. i always can hear this ad on cri, it says, "5 million children died each year, just for the drinking water.

" so, help us to make the world safer. although my actions are rather **all, but i think with all of you guys help, there will be a strong power.

the color green gives the olympic game a deeper meaning, green is in flowers, grasslands and in trees; green is in the sky, in the earth and in the sunshine. but to my opinion, green's also in our minds, in our **iles and in the great love.











关于英语演讲稿 篇2

ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is "youth".

i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.

first i want to ask you some questions:

1、 do you know what is youth?

2、 how do you master your youth?


youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .

youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody grows old merely by a number of years .

we grow old by deserting our ideals.

years wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusia** wrinkles the soul . worry , fear , self –distrust bows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

whether 60 of 16 , there is in every human being 's heart the lure of wonders, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living . in the center of your heart and my heart there's a wireless station : so long as it receives messages of beauty , hope ,cheer, courage and power from men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

when the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynici** and the ice of pessimi**, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimi** , there is hope you may die young at 80.

thank you!







关于英语演讲稿 篇3

seeing through around the earth, we will find all kinds of people exist in the world.


i think why those people are different from each other might be a difficult task to study-----which factor influences and drives them different.


it is lucky that i am the one among them so i know that mine is my dream.


i have been stimulating by my dream, from the day i knew why i came into the world to so far and even in future, which is ****** me different from others.


it is a goal, an aim, a direction for my life.


it is not strange from outside, but from inside.


it is to be a philosopher.


perhaps no one believes that there has philosopher in such modern society.


i have to tell you, however, today's civilization is based on people's labor, yes, and it is, but which is not only on the physical labor, the more important is on the mental labor----the thought.


if there is no thought on the earth, what will happen?


i can't imagine such a devastating scene and i think no one would be willing to fancy.


what we inherit from our ancestors are wealth, knowledge and dream----our ancestors' dream.


they devoted themselves to building our society, which was not for themselves but for the descendants.


they had viewed it because their society existed some outstanding philosophers.


that's why their society had been developed.


i am no scholar, no great man and no saint. i am just a citizen as same as you.


however, i have a dream and i believe both we have.


just like martin luther king, jr. he was no philosopher though he gave us a dream.


a dream for our life.


a dream for our goal.


a dream for our hope.


and my dream is give our descent ant a dream.


struggle and dreams


do you have dreams you want to pursue, but never seem to have the time because of the twin demands of work and family?


so what’s the quick answer?


there isn’t one.


it takes hard work.


but the most important two factors are:


1. it has to be something you’re excited and passionate about;


2. you have to make it a top priority, and structure your day so that it really is a priority.


let’s go into more depth for each of these two factors.


work on something you’re excited and passionate about


this step might seem a bit trite or obvious but it’s crucial, and i think it’s something many people don’t think enough about.


often people think they want to do something, but perhaps it’s just something they think would be nice to do … not something they’re really passionate about.


if you’re passionate about something, you can’t wait to do it, and you’ll clear your schedule and make the time to do it.


you’ll find a way, and when you’re doing it, you’re excited and happy (and maybe even a little obsessed).


really think about whether you’re excited about your goals or dreams … if not, you might need to look for new dreams.


if you are excited, and you’re really working hard to pursue the dreams because of this excitement, move on to the next step!


****** your


so how do you go from being excited about it to actually doing it?


by ****** your dream your top priority.


that means every day, when you wake up, decide what you’re going to do to make that dream a reality.


then do that task first thing in the day, before even checking email.


if you can’t do it first thing, schedule time for it.


if it’s a priority, you’ll make the time.

关于英语演讲稿 篇4


good morning, ladies and gentlemen. today i want to tell you a story about one of my friends, a lovely and **art girl who is always ready to help others. being our grade leader, she is good at both work and study.

in many people's opinion, she is excellent and perfect. but one day she told me she was gloomy and insecure. people around her considered her outstanding and flawless, thinking she could handle everything.

but the more she thought about herself, the more disappointed she became. she found that she was far from perfection. last week, she didn’t do well in her french quiz, and the day before yesterday, she was late for a conference.

she felt depressed and frustrated, because she failed to be a perfect girl without any mistakes.

i was surprised to hear that for i thought she had every reason to be confident. however, the expectation of perfection has be***e a burden to her. i told her no one could be perfect and i suggested she find her own position.

in fact, people are so eager to be perfect that they demand too much of themselves. they want to be special and unique, and they want to have no defects or weaknesses. however, we can never avoid mistakes and errors.

it’s impossible for us to be a superman or a superwoman. no matter how successful we are, there are always some flaws. if we hold that everything should be perfect, we would be overcritical.

my friend now has changed her attitude. she accepts her short***ings but still keeps a positive outlook. she is even more active and doesn’t allow the mistakes to hinder her pursuit of excellence.

and i think that’s the way we should be!that’s all. thank you!






事实上,有时人们过于完美主义,期望过高。我们要特别和独特,我们要没有缺点和弱点。但是,人们无法避免犯错误。 谁可以成为超人?




关于英语演讲稿 篇5

Smile, and sometimes can be a life to retain power. "To retain the life of laughter," tells the story of a place in the true story of the war years, in the story, a huge smile to show her magic.

War, a number of German soldiers found guilty of a terrible mistake had been closed to general, including one soldier in particular would like to go out alive, but this possibility is too remote. He was informed of his life in the death of the ultimatum had been issued - and three months would be shot, so he does not pin any hope on the survival of the. Two weeks later, he calmed down.

He visited every day to face the smiling general, the generals began to ignore him, then, he has a little goodwill, and began to talk to him…… three months after the date on the blink of an eye later, shot By the time this is a very strange shot: General cite shot on the left hand, right hand to give back to the team that can be a continuation of the war.

His turn, he closed his eyes, waiting for death to come, this time, his generals to see, he slowly raised his right hand……

This is the life-saving force, which is hard to imagine the magic! Every day to a general apology to smile, even from its own bottom line back to the original point of death, this not the great power of a smile?

If we are able to smile in the face of every person and every thing, the success or failure of honor in the face with a smile, a smile in the face of all with a smile of genuine spiritual insights better life, it would be very happy and well-being.

Jan-mouth, will be able to draw a beautiful arc, which is how simple things! However, we do every day to add a smile to my soul? Did not - did not test test, simply Poguanposhuai; job search is unsuccessful, they feel depressed; to buy lottery tickets with the first prize was only a figure on the stomp beat their chests……

Strictly speaking, these trivial little too! But sometimes we do these things to worry all day, affecting many of the stem.

Smile is a force used to be a smile, a smile used to the things people will not be led by the nose, facial expression is not just a smile or a state of mind, it should be a smile from the heart. The story of the soldiers that if only the blunt expression, that the general will be more than just a pleasing.

So smile is a positive state of mind, you have a smile on other people, other people will also answer your smile.

Smile is in the hearts of the Yi Shuguang, the hearts of bright, full of hope. Smile is embedded in the heart of love, the magic of love. In the face of your life with a smile! We find that the world is so beautiful.

关于英语演讲稿 篇6

sunflower girl, he ping, in face of misfortune, she was still optimistic to face life. she tried her best to help others and donate to disaster area. she met the social responsibility of a modern college student by actions.

there are many deeds like this. and we just need to make it be***e countless. we don’t do it to earn praise or rewards.

we do it no matter it is significant or trivial. do a little everyday and keep it up, then you’ll be warm to others and ***plete the mission of a up-to-date college student.

at last, please permit me to use lei feng’s speech as concluding word:

human life is limited, but human service is unlimited. i want to devote my limited life to unlimited service for other people . let us regard it as a rule of life.

thanks for listening.










关于英语演讲稿 篇7

yang lan:

mr. president, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!

before i introduce our cultural programs, i want to tell you one thing first about 2008. you're going to have a great time in beijing.

china has its own sport legends. back to song dynasty, about the 11th century, people started to play a game called cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. the game was very popular and women were also participating.

now, you will understand why our women football team is so good today.

there are a lot more wonderful and exciting things waiting for you in new beijing, a dynamic modern metropolis with 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry. along with the iconic imagery of the forbidden city, the temple of heaven and the great wall, the city offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums, discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls that will amaze and delight you.

but beyond that, it is a place of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. people of beijing believe that the 2008 olympic games in beijing will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures of the world. their gratitude will pour out in open expressions of affection for you and the great movement that you guide.

within our cultural programs, education and ***munication will receive the highest priority. we seek to create an intellectual and sporting legacy by broadening the understanding of the olympic ideals throughout the country.

cultural events will unfold each year, from 2005 to 2008. we will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, such as concerts, exhibitions, art ***petitions and camps which will involve young people from around the world. during the olympics, they will be staged in the olympic village and the city for the benefit of the athletes.

our ceremonies will give china's greatest-and the world's greatest artists a stage for celebrating the ***mon aspirations of humanity and the unique heritage of our culture and the olympic movement.

with a concept inspired by the famed silk road, our torch relay will break new ground, traveling from olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man-greek, roman, egyptian, byzantine, mesopotamian, persian, arabian, indian and chinese. carrying the message "share the peace, share the olympics," the eternal flame will reach new heights as it crosses the himalayas over the world's highest summit - mount qomolangma, which is known to many of you as mt. everest.

in china, the flame will pass through tibet, cross the yangtze and yellow rivers, travel the great wall and visit hong kong, macau, taiwan and the 56 ethnic ***munities who make up our society. on its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.

i am afraid i can not present the whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. before i end, let me share with you one story. seven hundred years ago, amazed by his incredible descriptions of a far away land of great beauty, people asked marco polo whether his stories about china were true.

he answered: what i have told you was not even half of what i saw. actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of beijing that awaits you.

ladies and gentlemen, i believe that beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike. ***e and join us.

thank you, mr. president. thank you all.








关于英语演讲稿 篇8











my name is gao lihong,i am twelve years old.i am grade five this year

i live in wuwei.there are four people in my family,they are my mother,my father,my sister and i.my father is a worker,and my mother is a teacher.

my sister and i are students

my favourite sport is skipping.my hobby is read books.i like singing and dancing

do you like me

thank you








i live english

when i was seven ,i started learning english.i piayed games and sang english songs with my friends.sometimes,i watched english cartoons,it’s funny

then i discovered the beauty of the language,and began my colorful dream in the english world

i like the english language,to learn english is wonderful. our english teacher is our good friend.i once wanted to be an english teacher,too




我们的英语老师是我们的好朋友。我曾经想也成为一名英语教师。 我的未来不是梦。我相信,这将成为现实






关于英语演讲稿 篇9

the new year holiday should be longer

however, the new year holiday is too short for the working people, according to the regulations of the state, there are only 7 days federal holidays for the working people. several years later, all of us should participate in work, so this problem is closely related to each of us

firstly, do the words spring festival reminds you of something which happen every year, and it is too crowded and makes people exhausted? i think some of you can get the answer. it is the spring transportation.

going home for spring festival is a traditional custom of chinese people, but millions of peoples travels bring a great pressure on traffic, especially in such a short time

7 days holiday, 4 days on the way. but the resources of the tickets are very limited, so the people who can buy the tickets are well off, others who are not lucky enough to get the ticket quickly should spend the new year in a strange land

secondly, in fact, short vacation of the spring festival has brought a lot of serious problems. when the official announced the plan of the new year holiday, xinlang, a famous media did a survey on the satisfaction degree of it, more than 70 % of the people are dissatisfied with the plan. most of them wanted more time for relaxed, or they would have less passion for their work in the next year.

a ***izen called teemo said he always felt angry when every year he said goodbye to his family and came back to work

so, we can expect, if the new year holiday can be longer for the working people, maybe it will make the reunion of families more convenient and let people celebrate the spring festival with a good mood. also, the problems we mentioned above could be solved. thank you!


the spring festival

good afternoon everyone.i’m wu yunfei .today ,i’ll talk about the topic about spring festival

in my opinion ,the spring festival as the most influential traditional festival have important meaning for us .several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. farmers kill pigs,sheep,cocks and hens.

city dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables. houses are cleaned; coupletsare (春联)posted on the doors. colorful lanterns are hung at the gate.

all family members will get together on new year eve to have a big meal . during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. students do not go to school,and shops are closed.

at the same time ,everyone celebrates to each other . when people meet on the way, they say to each other happy new year..at about 12 oclock,some parents and children light crackers.

the whole sky is lighted brightly. we may watch the fireworks excitedly. how busy it is!

on the first early

morning of one year,friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. at that time,children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents,uncles,aunts and so on





在春节这一传统节日期间,我国的汉族和大多数少数民族都有要举行各种庆祝活动,这些活动大多以祭祀神佛、祭奠祖先、除旧布新、迎禧接福、祈求丰年为主要内容。活动形式丰富多彩,具有浓郁的民族特色。 春节的来历有一种传说,中国古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽,头长触角,凶猛异常。







“腊月二十四,掸尘扫房子” ,据《吕氏春秋》记载,我国在尧舜时代就有春节扫尘的风俗。按民间的说法:因“尘”与“陈”谐音,新春扫尘有“除陈布新”的涵义,其用意是要把一切穷运、晦气统统扫出门。




关于英语演讲稿 篇10


ing to the yale campus, with its distinctive academic flavor, and looking at the eager young faces in the audience, i cannot but recall my great experience studying at qinghua university in beijing 40 years ago. indeed, what happens during one s school year will influence his whole life. i still benefit greatly from the instruction and my interaction with other students.

yale is renowned for its long history, unique way of teaching and excellence in academic pursuit. if time could go back several decades, i would really like to be a student of yale just like you.yale s motto “light and truth,” which is a calling for human progress, represents the aspiration of every motivated young man and woman.

over the past three centuries, yale has produced a galaxy of outstanding figures, including 20 nobel laureates and five american presidents. the words of nathan hale, an american hero and yale alumnus, “i only regret that i have but one life to lose for my country,” have also inspired me and many other chinese. i sincerely hope that yale will produce more talent and contribute further to the social and economic development of the united states and the cause of human progress.

ladies and gentlemen, dear friends.the chinese and americans have always had an intense interest in and cared deeply about each other. the chinese admire the pioneering and enterprising spirit of the americans and their proud achievement in national development.

as china develops rapidly and steady headway is made in cooperation, more and more americans are following with great interest china s progress and development.

understanding leads to trust. today, i would like to speak to you about china s development strategy and its future against the backdrop of the evolution of the chinese civilization and china s current development endeavor. i hope this will help you gain a better understanding of china.

in a history that spans more than five millennia, the chinese nation has contributed significantly to the progress of human civilization. but its course of national development has been an arduous one. in particular in the 160 years and more since the opium war in 1840, the chinese people have fought courageously and unyieldingly to rid themselves of poverty and backwardness and to realize national rejuvenation, thus profoundly changing the destiny of the chinese nation.

ni***y-five years ago, the chinese people launched the revolution of 1911 that overthrew the feudal autocracy which had ruled china for several thousand years and opened the door to china s progress.fifty-seven years ago, the chinese people succeeded in winning liberation after protracted and hard struggle and founded new china in which people became their own masters. twenty-eight years ago, the chinese people embarked upon the historic drive of reform, opening-up and modernization and have made phenomenal progress through unremitting efforts.

between 1978 and xx, china s gdp grew from $ billion to $ trillion. its import and export volume went up from $ billion to $ trillion and its foreign exchange reserve soared from $167 million to $ billion. during this period, the number of its poor rural population dropped from 250 million to 23 million.

the above review of the profound changes in these 160 years shows one thing, namely, by carrying out persistent and hard struggle, the chinese people have both changed their own destiny and advanced the cause of human progress.on the other hand, i need to point out that, despite the success in its development, china remains the world s largest developing country, with per capita gdp ranking behind the 100th place. the chinese people are yet to live a well-off life and china still faces daunting challenges in its development endeavor.

therefore it requires sustained and unremitting efforts to transform the country and make life better for its people. in the next 15 years, we will strive to make new progress in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way that will benefit china s one billion and more population.we aim to raise china s gdp to $4 trillion by 2020, averaging $3,000 per person.

by then, china s economy will be better developed and its democracy will be further enhanced. more progress will be made in science and education. its culture will be further enriched, the society will bee more harmonious and the people will lead a better life.

to realize these goals, china has adopted a new concept of development in line with its national conditions and the requirement of the times. that is, to pursue a scientific outlook on development that makes economic and social development people-oriented, prehensive, balanced and sustainable. we will work to strike a proper balance between urban and rural development, development among regions, economic and social development, development of man and nature, and domestic development and opening wider to the outside world.

greater emphasis will be put on addressing issues affecting people s livelihood, overing imbalances in development and resolving key problems that have occurred in the course of development. we will pursue a new path to industrialization featuring high technology, good economic returns, low resource-consumption, low environment pollution and full use of human resources. we will bring about coordinated economic, political, cultural and social development.

and we will endeavor to ensure sustainable development by boosting production, improving people s life and protecting the environment.

this concept of scientific development is based on the experience china has gained in its modernization drive and put forth in response to the trends of the times. it is also rooted in the cultural heritages of the chinese nation.the chinese civilization is one that has continued uninterrupted for more than 5,000 years.

the distinct cultural tradition of the chinese nation that developed in the long course of history has exerted a strong influence on contemporary china, just as it did on ancient china. putting people first, keeping pace with the times, maintaining social harmony and pursuing peaceful development: these values that are being pursued in china today are derived from its tradition.

but they also give expression to the progress of the times.the chinese civilization has always given prominence to the people and respect for people s dignity and value. centuries ago, the chinese already pointed out that “people are the foundation of a country; when the foundation is stable, the country is in peace.

” nothing is more valuable in the universe than human beings. the ancient chinese emphasized the value of serving the people, enriching them, nourishing them, and benefiting them. we are pursuing today a people-oriented approach toward development because we believe that development must be for the people and by the people and its benefit should be shared among the people.

we care about people s value, rights and interests and freedom, the quality of their life, and their development potential and happiness index because our goal is to realize the all-around development of the people. ensuring the right to survival and development remains china s top priority. we will vigorously (精力充沛的,元气旺盛的,有力的 he never ceased to chase after his dream in his vigorous youth.

ad. 有力地he shook hands with me vigorously and **iled a wele.)promote social and economic development, protect people s freedom, democracy and human rights according to law, achieve social fairness and justice and enable the billion chinese people to live a happy life.

the chinese civilization has always given prominence to unremitting self-improvement, reform and innovation. as an ancient chinese motto puts it, “as heaven keeps vigor(活力,精力he was noted for his vigor. 他以精力充沛而出名。

he flung himself into his work with renewed vigor. 他又精神抖擞地投入自己的工作。) through movement, a gentleman should unremittingly practice self-improvement.

” throughout its 5,000-year history, it is thanks to their perseverance, determination, stamina(stamina: [ 'stmin? ] n.

精力,活力1. he doesn't have the stamina to be a teacher. 他没有当教师的精力.

2. marathon runners need plenty of stamina. 参加马拉松长跑要有耐力.

3. the husky is unequalled for stamina and endurance. 爱斯基摩狗的体力和耐性是无双的.

) and innovation that the chinese nation has grown after surviving numerous setbacks(顿挫,挫折,退步ah well, i suppose there's nothing like an occasional setback to make you realize how lucky you really are. 唉,我看什么都不如偶尔受点挫折更能使你明白你是多么的幸运了。) and adversity.

the chinese people have shown enterprising spirit and reform and opening-up creativity in national development and great tenacity([ ti'nsiti ] n. 固执,不屈不挠,顽固) in overing difficulties on the road to progress. and all this gives expression to the spirit of unremitting self-improvement embodied in china s cultural tradition.

the chinese civilization has always given prominence to social harmony, unity and mutual assistance. back in the early days of the chinese nation, the chinese already advocated that “harmony is most valuable.” they strove for harmony between man and nature, among people and between man s body and soul, and yearned for an ideal society where “everyone loves everyone else, everyone is equal and the whole world is one munity.

”today, china is endeavoring to build a harmonious society. it is a society of democracy and rule of law, fairness and justice, integrity, fraternity(fraternity: [ fr?

't?:niti ] n. 友爱,互助会,兄弟会 he is a member of the medical fraternity.

他在医务界工作。a person who has been accepted for membership in a fraternity or similar ***anization and has promised to join but has not yet been initiated. 立誓入会的人已经被兄弟会或类似的组织接受为会员而且立誓加入,但仍尚未入会的人), vitality(vitality:

[ vai'tliti ] n. 活力,生命力名词复数:vitalities 1.

the vitality of the movement is threatened. 这个运动的生命力岌岌可危。2.

the ballet sparkled with vitality. 那场芭蕾舞演得生动活泼。 3.

she is full of youth and vitality. 她充满了青春和活力. ), stability, order and harmony between man and nature.

it is a society where there is unity between the material and the spirit, democracy and rule of law, fairness and efficiency, and vitality and order.the chinese people takes [sic] the maintenance of ethnic unity and harmony as their bounden duty and the defense of the country s sovereignty(sovereignty: [ 's?

vrinti ] n. 主权,独立国名词复数:sovereignties 1.

the sovereignty of these islands is in dispute. 这些岛屿的主权有争执。 2.

an australian-administered island in the eastern indian ocean south of java. it was annexed by great britain in1888 and came under australian sovereignty in1958. 圣诞岛爪哇岛南部印度洋东部的一座岛屿,由澳大利亚管辖。

在1888年由英国吞并,1958年主权归澳大利亚 3. the position, authority, or jurisdiction of a prince; sovereignty. 主权,统治权王子或王侯的地位、权力或司法权;主权 4.

the territory, jurisdiction, sovereignty, rank, or estate of a prince. 小国君主的权位王子的领地、管辖权、权位、地位或财产) and territorial integrity their sacred mission.any act that promoted ethnic harmony and national unity will receive the warm wele and support of the chinese people.

on the other hand, any act that undermines china s ethnic harmony and national unity will meet their strong opposition and resistance.

关于英语演讲稿 篇11



There are many people on my growth path to thank, but we are grateful to our parents. Our parents worked for us from the moment we were born, so we have to be thankful for our parents. However, there are few people who truly appreciate their parents.

As we in the 21st century, we must first tell our parents "the grace of dripping". Of course this is what we do when we grow up. Now all we have to do is beat the back of our parents, knead the waist, and bring the cup of tea... And so on. Do what we can to let your parents worry less and let them spend every day easily, which is the best reward for your parents.

关于英语演讲稿 篇12













关于英语演讲稿 篇13

once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: happiness, sadness, knowledge, and all of the others, including love.


one day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. except for love.


love was the only one who stayed. love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.


when the island had almost sunk, love decided to ask for help.


richnewas passing by love in a grand boat. love said,"richness, can you take me with you?"


richneanswered, "no, i can't. there is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. there is no place here for you."


love decided to ask vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. "vanity, please help me!"


"i can't help you, love. you are all wet and might damage my boat," vanity answered.


sadnewas close by so love asked, "sadness, let me go with you."


"oh . . . love, i am so sad that i need to be by myself!"


happinepassed by love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when love called her.


suddenly, there was a voice, "come, love, i will take you." it was an elder. so blessed and over joyed, love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. when they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. realizing how much was owed the elder,

突然,一个声音喊道:“来,爱,我带你走。” 声音来自“年老”。爱太高兴了,甚至忘了问他们即将去何方。当他们来到岸上,年老自己离开了。爱突然意识到“年老”给了它多大的帮助。

love asked knowledge, another elder, "who helped me?"


"it was time," knowledge answered.


"time?" asked love. "but why did time help me?"


knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, "because only time is capable of understanding how valuable love is."







