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2024-08-29 演讲稿英文


演讲稿英文 篇1

It doesn't matter whether your dream came true if you spent your whole life sleeping.

Ask yourself one question: If I didn't have to do it perfectly, what would I try?

Nobody else is paying as much attention to your failures as you are. You're the only one who is obsessed with the importance of your own life. To everyone else, it's just a blip on the radar screen, so just move on.




By all reckoning, the bumblebee is aerodynamically unsound and shouldn't be able to fly. Yet, the little bee gets those wings going like a turbo-jet and flies to every plant its chubby little body can land on to collect all the nectar it can hold.

Bumblebees are the most persistent creatures. They don't know they can't fly, so they just keep buzzing around.

Never give in to pessimism. Don't know that you can't fly, and you will soar like an eagle. Don't end up regretting what you did not do because you were too lazy or too frightened to soar. Be a bumblebee! And soar to the heavens. You can do it.

演讲稿英文 篇2


First of all, Thank you President Zeng for inviting me to speak, and thank you to the Class of 20__ for not protesting…seriously. I am extiaordinarily happy to have witnessed this graduation ceremony of 20__ today because it represents, for me, exactly the best honor of my life. As for a graduate of 20__ here and now a presidet of PekingUniversity, I was wondering what I should say to you - there are so many possibilities you know?


Until now, I have been work for more than a decade, you wanted to know about my experiences after graduating and I understand thatbecause the twenties are that time in your life when you’re finding out yourself and really getting acquainted with your own .It’s not supposed to be easy, but it doesn’t have to be torture. You’re supposed to have moments of uncertainty about which path to take because the 20’s are full of crossroads.


You will leave our campus soon where you left numerous sweat and imagination. You will say goodbye to your teachers and students who accompanied you days and nights. Moreover, you will start your new journal, full of hope and challenge, also countless hardship and temptation. I would like to give your some suggestions as your upperclassman when you leave.


Firstly, be determined to return to and serve for society, and diligent to eich lives. “Work creates wealth and diligence changes lives.” Whatever life path is and whatever careers you choose, we need to stick to your dream, face up to the fact with healthy mind and confront lives with positive attitude. We have to brave enough to take on heavyresponsibilities, overcome difficulties and dare to show ourselves in the hardest places. Hope we can lower our prospect to get an object, deepen our foundation to obtain a space, and postpone our enjoyment to achieve a career.


Secondly, set up a profound ideal and try to be a talent. “The bird can fly freely in the soaring sky and the fish can jump freely in the broad sea”. The society is an everlasting university, and we have to learn diligently, practice constantly and explore hard. Only if we set up profound ideals, diligent to practice, determine to move forward, dare to innovate and cooperate with others can we catch the invaluable historic opportunities and explore a space for ourselves in work.


Thirdly, be brave to face the competition and welcome the challenge. “Survival of the fittest”。There are lots of hardships and unsatisfactory in the future. The one who is brave and confident, dare to confront challenges and move forward bravely is the superman of lives and can control his or her lives by himself or herself.


演讲稿英文 篇3

If There Were No After Life

Whether there’s afterlife, the answer has never been the same. The atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave. They may care about their illustrious names after death; they may feel attached to the affection of their offspring, but they never lay their hopes on their afterlife. They may also say that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil, but they don’t really believe any retribution in their after life.

However, in the religious world or among the superstitious people, the belief in afterlife is very popular. They do not only believe in afterlife, but thousands of reincarnations as well. In the mysterious world, there are the paradise and the hell, the celestial beings and the gods, the Buddha and the Bodhisattvas.

Maybe they really believed it, or maybe they just wanted to make use of people’s veneration, the ancient emperors always declared that they were the real dragons, the sons of God, while the royal ministers claimed to be the reincarnations of various constellations. But can the stars reincarnate?

Many people burn incense and kowtow, do good deeds and strive for virtues, not just for the present, but mainly to let God see their sincerity so as to be reborn into a better afterlife, or to achieve the highest enlightenment after several lives of practice. They do believe in afterlife. But I can’t help asking: Suppose there were no afterlife, would you still do good deeds and strive for virtues? And If God does not see what you are doing, would you still be so upright and selfless? If you work, not for serving the public and liberating the others, but just for a better afterlife of your own, isn’t it a little too selfish? Comparing with this kind of believers, those who don’t believe in afterlife, but still keep doing good deeds, are the most sincere and honest philanthropists, because they do them not for themselves but for other.

You may wonder if I believe in afterlife. My answer is: I know nothing about my previous life, so I dare not make improper comments on afterlife. But I do hope there’s afterlife! Because our present life is so short that so many things slip away before our proper understanding. I have so many dreams, so many wishes, so many ambitions, as well as so many regrets and concerns. If there were no afterlife, all of them will remain unrealized!

I’m not contented with the present commonplace life, I’m very much attached to the affections that should have been mine but have been washed away by the hurrying time, and I yearn for the perfection and maturity if I could start all over again. So believe it or not, I’d rather there were afterlife.

Translated by Zhang Baodan (Diana)

May 1, 20xx









Let me begin my speech with a replay of scenes familiar to most, if not all, of those present here today.

"Mum, I'm sorry, but I need 3,000 yuan for my tuition this year."

"Mum, it is my friend's birthday tomorrow, I must buy her a present."

"Mum, this jacket was out of fashion long ago, would you do me a favor? "

Take. Take. Take. The relationship between a mother and a child always seems to follow such a pattern. I know my mother is always there for me, providing me with everything I need; from food to clothing, from tuition to pocket money. I never thought twice about all she did until one day she said, "Will there be a time that you'll say you have taken enough from me? "

Like a child endlessly asking, we humans, throughout history, have been continually demanding what we desire from nature. We enjoy the comfort and beauty of our furniture, yet we never bother to think about the serious soil erosion caused by deforestation. We take it for granted that we must warm ourselves in winter times, yet we seldom realize the burning away of precious natural resources. We appreciate all the prosperity from the development of modern industry, yet few would give the slightest consideration to the global air and water pollution caused by industrial wastes. Our ruthless exploitation has permanently impaired our mother earth. As we tragically learned from last summer's floods. we cannot continue our carelessness.

Finally, standing here at the threshold of the 21st century, we cannot help thinking of our posterity. Nature is not only the mother of the present generation, but also the mother of the generations to come.

How severely our descendents will criticize us if we leave them a barren and lifeless mother? How much more they will appreciate us if we give them a world of harmony to inherit? Let us start respecting and caring for nature from now on. Let us start the campaign of creating a mutually beneficial relationship between people and nature right from this moment. With this new start, I firmly believe, that our children, and our children's children will live in a brand new age of green trees, clean air, crystal water, blue sky and an even more promising world!









演讲稿英文 篇4










演讲稿英文 篇5





















演讲稿英文 篇6

Our each children all have own parents, we live every day in the seawhich the parents shows loving concern. Parents' love, likes a mountain, GREat and is generous; Parents' love, likes that tree root, firm and is deep; Parents' love, likes the honey which that hundred flowers breeds, but is happy.

Thanks you, is you gets us to arrive this full of vitality world.

Thanks you, all follows in each minute each second side us, to our careful protecting with attendance.

Thanks you, my dear daddy, in the busy work, you would to squeeze out the time to accompany us, lets us feel the father loves existence.

Thanks you, my dear mother, you likely are our route indicator, all the time directs the path for us.

When I meet is difficult, your always first time catches up with, extricates the difficulty for me. When I handle the wrong matter time, you would to me to explain slowly ......Looks you that exhausted facial features, I am unable to restrain somewhat sadly ......

Thanks you to scatter the cheers and the joke in ours childhood, all considers every time for us.

When I obtain teacher's praise, you split open the such bright smiling face. Not long after starts sensible us, had known parents' pressure, knew we should do any, but should not do any, we must let the parents feel relieved, do not have again to let them worry again.

We likely are one all do not have the water bucket, is you works hard, rushes about, but accumulates water one drop of one drop, but packs ......

You on likely space sun and moon, but we are a commonplace star, must pass through disciplines with diligently, only then can obtain the sweet fruit, only then can fall from the space has an achievement.

Too many too many thanks, said also could not say, you forever on all my guide, forever always care about, the loving care in mine side to me.

The world has many parents all is so, they coontinuously to usAll is contributes silently, lets us say with one voice that,“Thanks your continuously attendance, you forever all are our root and the prop!”Parents' love, let me sensibly many, mature many. We meet the jail to keep firmly in mind the bottom, biggest repays them diligently by us.

Who says the blade of grass heart, the newspaper three parental affections!

In here, I must ordinary and the GREat parents deep bow deeply for all children to us one gong! Let us simultaneously say together that,“Thanks the daddy, thanks mother, thanks you! Thanks you!!”














普通和伟大的父母在这里,我必须深我们所有的孩子一个锣深深鞠了一躬!让我们一起同时说,“谢谢爸爸,谢谢妈妈,谢谢你!谢谢你! !”

演讲稿英文 篇7

chinese dream-my dream

good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! i’m pretty

happy to make a speech in such a form. my name is tian jie. my topic today is chinese dream-my dream

no matter you and i in the life, having a dream

is great, big to a country, **all to a person. a country without dreams, that is a sorrow and sadness to his nation; a person without dream, he or she is considered to be the walking dead, because the dream is the innovation, the dream is the future

“i have a dream” martin luther king ever said

i have a dream; i hope that the children’s fa

ce always is permeated with the **ile like spring. ihave a dream, i hope that the young people can create their own brilliance with hardworking

i have a dream; i hope that the old people can

enjoy their twilight years without any sorrow and


i have a dream; i hope that all of us can water

the beautiful flowers of dream with our hands, ****** her bloom g***eous and marvelous

i have a dream

this is our harmonious homeland that has the

brightest future

we can conquer the biggest difficulties and do not have sadness anymore

with all of our love get together

with all of our hearts turned on

were meant to last forever because of having mutual dedications

with all of our love get together

with all of our hearts turned on

were meant to move forward because of sharing the same feelings

were meant to move forward because of sharing the same feelings












演讲稿英文 篇8


Today, we stand here! Standing in the Chinese land! The ancestors with blood and dignity to irrigate land! In front of me, standing is a nation, a nation in the humiliation of moan! The Opium War and the war of resistance against Japan since, our national pride is not! The winners are on our necks tyrannically abuse ones power, they will tread down our dignity, an Asian continents most noble national dignity! You tell me, you choose to be a freedom fighter like Benjamin. Martin, or a slave!

You may want to say: Sir, I needed a job, a piece of bread. Yes. You are right, life is too important. But I want to tell you. In this world there is a thing more important than life, they are free! That is a dignity!

As long as the South China Sea and the northwest region over a day still flies inferior flag, our dignity does not exist! As long as the inferior in our land run amuck, our dignity does not exist! As long as the Asian domain, the country called China is weak state. Our dignity is not exist! As long as the people of other countries will laugh in the context of the Chinese word being issued ,our dignity does not exist!

What we need, not a piece of bread! But a living space! A national living space! The living space,is not achieved by begging and protest , but by blood and iron to achieve!

Others bully us, even the weakest people to trample on us, we will only shout and protest, such a person. There is no bones! Such a person, is humble! We should use a cannon to deaf ear sound earthquake let the enemy tremble! We should crush their dignity, life, let them know we are not only know of protest!

You have to remember, a know only in protest of the state, is not a head of state! One only understands the protests against the government, is a no bones, office politics! When our dignity, territory, living space are trampled upon it, also shamelessly protested the government, we dont need! You finally will abandon their! Im proud of you, in these people. So the man without bones, less and less! In front of me, is a keep Millennium unyielding blood legion! This blood, once in our ancestral vascular which flows through, they did not yield! Now, they are in our body inside a flush, you tell me. Would you like to cool it!?

Able to unite the people. There are two things: the common ideal and the common crime. We are carving in the Chinese national flag above the great ideal, we will for this ideal out our last drop of blood! In todays Berlin. Nothing can save our motherland, only the ideal! Negotiation? This is a great shame! We have refused to perform it is determined and the reason! Do you want to do! Just like Benjamin. Martin picks up the gun, as he led his countrymen holding aloft the banner as freedom fighting! If you wish to fight, the fight! Then I can see you are one billion three hundred million or one billion three hundred million of the slaves be and unyielding chinese!

If one day, I would want, Benjamin. Martin, holding belongs to our Chinese nation banner rushes to the front! Even the dead, I will smile in heaven! I will see the glory of Chinese ancestors, I can holding a head high to go to Qin Shihuang the great, Tang Taizong, Kublai, and, I can proudly said to him: I, your children, not give you lose you face, I as the great Chinse nation shed the last drop of blood!

We do not fight for slavery! We fight for freedom! We are not machines, not cattle, we are the people! Never yield to the chinese!

We in the name of freedom to unite! As a new, fair world war! We all have to work! For those who enslave us out of Chinese land! We dont need all day shouting protests! Fight for our dignity! For our promise to fight!"

For the liberation of the country! The Chinese people, we provide our ancestors glory! For our descendants can proudly propaganda: we never yield to the family!

" My fellow citizens, China and the Chinese people long live! Long live fee

演讲稿英文 篇9

Good morning everyone,Today I want to talk about the importance of setting goals. Goals give us direction and purpose, and help us achieve our dreams and aspirations.

Setting goals helps us identify what we want to accomplish and create a roadmap to get there. This means breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable ones, and creating a plan of action to achieve them. This can help us stay motivated and focused, and track our progress along the way.

Having clear, measurable goals can also improve our self-esteem and confidence. When we meet our goals, we feel a sense of accomplishment and pride, which can boost our self-image and help us develop a positive outlook on life.

Setting goals can also help us prioritize our time and resources, and make better decisions. When we have a clear understanding of what we want to achieve, we can focus our energy and resources on the things that matter most, and avoid distractions and time-wasters.

In addition, setting goals can help us overcome obstacles and setbacks. When we encounter challenges or setbacks along the way, having a clear goal in mind can help us stay committed and persistent, and find ways to overcome the obstacles and move towards our desired outcome.

In conclusion, setting goals is an essential part of achieving success and fulfillment in life. By identifying what we want to achieve, creating a plan of action, and staying committed and persistent, we can achieve our dreams and aspirations and live a rewarding and fulfilling life. Thank you.







演讲稿英文 篇10


today day is a memorable day, are the annual fathers day!

deep sea motherly love, fatherly love heavy as a mountain. people at the same time to celebrate mothers day and did not forget his fathers achievements. someone start the year on the recommendation of fathers day. years, it is to celebrate the first fathers day. at that time, the late father of all people have to wear a white rose, the father of the people alive while wearing red roses. this custom has been passed so far.

it is said that the selection of fathers day is a month over month because of the sun are the most heated one, a symbol of the father to give their children the love that hot. paternal such as mountains, tall and lofty, let me look timid and afraid to climb health; father such as days,and far-reaching, so that yang and my heart did not dare pity; paternal great deep are pure and not return , but love is a bitter, difficult to understand depression and the unattainable.

father, like a tree, always, let him lush foliage of a solid arm for the tree to create shadeus. years such as the fingers over the water, like, before i knew it, we have grown up, while the tree is gradually aging, and even the new leaves are no longer the hair full of vitality. annually on the third sunday is fathers holiday, let us sincerely say: father, i love you! happy fathers day!

now, the certificate of education examination and the final exams approaching, i suggest that we should seize the time, study hard, with excellent results as to the fathers gift, great father to return, i believe his father at that time are the most beautiful smile! students, come on now!

演讲稿英文 篇11



one day the king of animals asked a cat to see how his palace was built. after a few hours, the little cat came back and said to the tiger, “oh, your palace is very large, tall and beautiful. ”several days later the tiger asked a pig to see it.

he said, “go and see how my palace is built. ”but when the pig came back, he said to the tiger, “my dear king, i thought your palace is beautiful, but it suits yourself only. ”

the tiger was very surprised when he heard it. “why are the cat’s and the pig’s answers not the same? ”he said to himself.

he then asked a camel to go to have a look. before long the camel ran back out of breath and said to the tiger, “oh, your palace is too **all for you to live in, my king. ”

the king became very angry when he heard what the camel said. he said to the animals angrily, “maybe somebody of you tell lies. three people have three ideas.

i want to kill you. ”just at the moment, a fox came out to stop the tiger from doing that. he asked the tiger himself to go to see it before killing them.

after the tiger saw the palace himself, he thought that their answers were all right. he said to the animals, “to see with one’s own eyes is more important than only to hear others. ”










the wolf and the fox want to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't easy to catch him.

one day the wolf says to the fox, "you go home and lie in bed. i'll tell the rabbit that you are dead. when he ***es to look at you, you can jump up and catch him.

" that's a good idea," says the fox.

the fox goes home at once. the wolf goes to the rabbit's house and knocked at the door. "who is it?

" asks the rabbit. "it's the wolf. i ***e to tell you that the fox is dead.

" then the wolf goes away.

the rabbit goes to the fox's house. he looked in through the window and sees the fox lying in bed with his eyes closed. he thinks, "is the fox really dead or is he pretending to be dead?

if he's not dead, he'll catch me when i go near him." so he said, "the wolf says that the fox is dead. but he doesn't look like a dead fox.

the mouth of a dead fox is always open." when the fox hears this, he thinks, "i'll show him that i'm dead." so he opened his mouth.

the rabbit knows that the fox isn't dead, and he rans away quickly.










tommy is turtle. he has no daddy, no mummy and no friends.

he is crying. a bird ***es. she says: “i can fly. let’s fly!”

tommy says: “ no,no, i can’t fly!”

a rabbit ***es. he says: “ i can jump. let’s jump!”

tommy says: “no, no. i can’t jump!”

a monkey ***es. he says:“i can climb the tree. let’s climb the tree!”

tommy says: “ no, no. i can’t climb the tree!”

a duck ***es. he says: “i can swim. let’s swim!”

tommy **iles: “ we are friends!”

tommy 是一只乌龟。他没有爸爸、妈妈和朋友。


tommy 说:“不,不,我不会飞。”








during the spring and autumn period (770-476 bc), prince zhou xu of the state of wei killed his brother and became the new emperor. zhou xu was a tyrant. he oppressed his people and indulged in wars of aggression.

by launching wars, he tried to divert the people's attention and reduce their discontent with him in order to consolidate his dictatorship. the duke of the state of lu leant about zhou xu's usurpation of state power and his ambitious plan, he asked a senior official, "what do you think about zhou xu's move? "the official answered, "he indulges in wars , bringing his people much disaster.

he won't get their support. and he's capricious, so few of his close friends follow him. he can never achieve his success.

in addition, war is like fire. if one launches wars endlessly without restraint, he'll eventually burn himself. " sure enough, the people of wei with the help of the state of chen overthrew zhou xu and killed him in less than a year.

later, people use it to mean that those who do evil will finally ruin themselves.

演讲稿英文 篇12

i am honored extremely stand in here for everybody lecture!

we all knew that, now the world all is suffering the financial crisis, and many factories all already went out of business the bankruptcy, this also meant could have many people to face is coming off sentry duty.

perhaps in school we regarding this realized is not very big, however we soon face the graduation, also meant must look for the work.

already some people commented: the next several year university graduate, the graduation also on meant unemployment! although i not like this believed, but i still felt we should have one kind of crisis feeling, by faces the worst possible occurrence.

therefore, also cannot again continue to waste in the university period time, that already was may not obtain extremely! therefore i hoped schoolmates, all can learn own diligently special course, in order to might find from now on most suits own work.






演讲稿英文 篇13


thank you. thank you so much. thank you.

and does it get any better than this, a graduation ceremony for one of the great universities in the world in the home of new york yankees? nothing could be better. (applause.

) and thanks to all of you for cheering a visitor. i didn't realize that was permitted in yankee stadium.


(掌声) 谢谢大家如此热烈地为一位来访的客人加油。我认为我无法在扬基体育场做到这一点。

i am honored to receive this degree. and on behalf of the other honorees, i say thank you. thank you for giving us this singular privilege of being part of this xxmencement ceremony.

as i look out at this huge crowd of graduates, family, and friends, i can only reflect on what an extraordinary moment in history you are receiving your degrees, a moment in time of our country and the world where your talents and your energy, your passion and xxmitment is more needed than ever. there is no doubt that you are well prepared for a world that seems somewhat uncertain but which will welxxe the education that you have received on behalf of not only of yourselves and your families, but your xxmunities and your country.



as secretary of state, i am well aware of the challenges that we face. you, as new graduates, and your generation will be up against those challenges: climate change and hunger, extreme poverty and extreme ideologies, new diseases and nuclear proliferation.

but i am absolutely convinced that you and we are up to the task. there is no problem we face here in america or around the world that will not yield to human effort, to cooperation, to positive interdependence that makes clear humanity is going on, our challenges are ones that summon the best of us, and we will make the world better tomorrow than it is today. (applause.




now, i know that it is fashionable in xxmencement speeches to be idealistic, and that may sound so, but at the root of my conviction is a strong sense of reality. because you see, i don’t think we have a choice. we can sit on the sidelines, we can wring our hands, we can retreat into cynici**, and we know what the results will be:

we will cede the field to those whose ideologies are absolutely anathema to people of conscience and faith all over the world. so our positive interdependence, which is a fact, will prepare us to meet these challenges. but they can no longer be seen just as government-to-government.

there is a time and an opportunity, and with the new technologies available, for us to be citizen diplomats, citizen activists, to solve problems one by one that will give in to hard work, patience, and persistence, and will then aggregate to the solutions we seek.




now, i know we cannot send a special envoy to negotiate with a pandemic, or call a summit with carbon dioxide, or sever relations with the global financial crisis. to confront these threats and to seize the opportunities that they also present, we need to build new partnerships from the bottom up, and to use every tool at our disposal. that is the heart of **art power.

but **art power requires **art people, people who have gone the distance for their education, who have opened themselves up to this increasingly xxplex and interconnected world, and this changing global landscape requires us to expand our concept of diplomacy.



now, when i was graduating so many years ago, diplomacy was the domain of privileged men working behind closed doors. today, our diplomats are not limited, and our diplomacy is no longer confined to the state department or our embassies. we are laying the foundation for 21st century statecraft.

where? in the classrooms of nyu, in the board rooms of the businesses of this great city, in the halls of academia, in the operating rooms of our great hospitals. we are looking for those personal xxmitments and connections, and that is where all of you xxe in.



the biggest challenges we face today will be solved by the 60 percent of the world’s population under the age of 30. and already, young people, like all of you, are using their talents and ingenuity to help fashion their own brand of service and diplomacy.


a few examples: in the nation of colombia, two young college graduates, fed up with the violence in their country, used facebook to ***anize 14 million people into the largest antiterrori** demonstrations in the history of the world. (applause.

) in a few short weeks, their peaceful efforts did as much damage to the terrorist ***works as years of military action.


i know that one of your graduates spent months on the slopes of mount kilimanjaro searching for sustainable development models to bring to women and families and help them lift themselves out of poverty. another of your clas**ates was studying in china last year when the devastating earthquake struck, and that has led to work ever since to deliver supplies and assistance to villagers in remote areas. international students have gone on to fight for human rights in rwanda, build civil society in the nation of ge***ia, run businesses, and lead governments.

and many of you, i know, used social ***working platforms to make barack obama the president of the united states of america. (applause.)

我知道,你们这届毕业生中的一员曾在乞力马扎罗峰(mount kilimanjaro)的山坡上生活了好几个月,努力寻找可持续发展模式,以便利用这种模式帮助妇女和家庭自力更生地摆脱贫困。你们的另一位同学去年在中国留学期间遇上大**爆发,灾情惨重,这位同学自此一直在从事为偏远地区的村民输送物资和援助的工作。留学生们有的前往卢旺达参加争取人权的斗争,有的到格鲁吉亚建设公民社会,有的经营公司企业,有的领导**工作。


president obama and i deeply understand how important it is for the young people of our country, but the young people of every country, to be given the opportunity to translate your beliefs and ideals into service and action, just as john kennedy did when he created the peace corps and as president bill clinton did when he created americorps. this is in the tradition of citizen service. (applause.

)奥巴马**和我都深切理解为我国乃至所有国家的年轻人创造机会的重要意义,以便你们把自己的信念和理想化为奉献与行动,正如约翰·肯尼迪创建和平队(peace corps)和比尔·克林顿**创建美国志愿队(americorps)一样,这符合公民服务的传统。(掌声)

so we need to figure out ways to prepare all of our institutions of government, including and especially the state department, to harness the efforts of those who do not enter the foreign service but still engage in your own type of foreign service. our state department personnel are skilled, dedicated, passionate, and effective. and for those of you still looking for jobs, we are hiring a new generation of diplomats.




i hope many of you will join our ranks in the foreign service and the civil service, but i know that not all will choose to bexxe professional diplomats, and i also know that the state department alone cannot tackle these great problems. so my message to you today is this: be the special envoys of your ideals; use the xxmunication tools at your disposal to advance the interests of our nation and humanity everywhere; be citizen ambassadors using your personal and professional lives to f***e global partnerships, build on a xxmon xxmitment to solving our pla***’s xxmon problems.

by creating your own ***works, you can extend the power of governments to meet the needs of this and future generations. you can help lay the groundwork for the kind of global cooperation that is essential if we wish, in our time, to end hunger and defeat disease, to xxbat climate change, and to give every child the chance to live up to his or her god-given potential. (applause.



this starts with opportunities for educational exchanges, the kind of dorm room and classroom diplomacy that nyu is leading on. i want to xxmend my friend, your president, the trustees of this great university, for understanding and believing in the importance of educational exchanges.


you know, study abroad is like spring training for this century. it helps you develop the fundamentals, the teamwork, and the determination to succeed. and we want more american students to have that opportunity.

that’s why we are increasing funding for gilman scholarships by more than 40 percent. more than 400 new yorkers have used gilman scholarships to spend a semester abroad, including nine students from nyu last year.


这正是我们把吉尔曼奖学金(gilman scholarships)的数额增加40%以上的原因。已经有400多名纽约人利用吉尔曼奖学金花一个学期的时间去国外留学,其中包括去年在国外留学的纽约大学的9位同学。

now, of course, study abroad is a two-way street, and we should bring more qualified students from other countries to study here. nyu provides a prime example of what international students can bring to a campus and how they can benefit themselves and their countries. over 700,000 international students came to the united states last year, and nyu had the second largest number of any school in the country.




now, the benefits from such exchanges are so great that i am xxmitted to streamline the visa process – (applause) – particularly for science and technology students so that even more qualified students will xxe to our campuses in the future. we’re also doing more to marry technology with global service. that’s why today i am pleased to announce that over the next year the state department will be creating virtual student foreign service internships to harness the energy of a rising generation of citizen diplomats.

working from college and university campuses, american students will partner with our embassies abroad to conduct digital diplomacy that reflects the realities of the ***worked world. and you can learn more about this initiative on the state department’s website.

由于这些交流带来了巨大的益处,我决心简化签证手续──(掌声)──特别是为理工科的学生,以便未来有更多优秀学生到我们的大学深造。我们也在扩展我们的方法,将高科技与全球服务结合起来。因此,今天我高兴地宣布,在今后一年里国务院将建立起“学生网上外交实习项目”(virtual student foreign service internships) ,使正在成长的一代公民外交家的能量得到有效利用。


but i know that you don’t have to wait for us to create a new program. when you go home today, go online and find the website called kiva, k-i-v-a, where you can help someone like san ma, a mother in vietnam who is seeking a microcredit loan to buy rice seed and fertilizer for her family farm; or log on to heifer international’s site, and for less than the cost of a dinner out, you can donate a flock of geese to a hungry family in asia or africa; or help wangari mathai’s green belt movement in planting trees and offsetting carbon emissions and empowering women in africa.

但我知道你不需要等到我们有了新项目。今天你们回家后,上网找到一个称为kiva——k-i-v-a——的**,在那里你可以帮助像san ma这样一位越南母亲,她正在寻找一笔小额贷款,为她的家庭农场购买稻种和肥料;或者你们可以进入海菲国际(heifer international)的**,只要花费比在外面吃一顿晚餐还少的钱就可以把一群鹅捐赠给亚洲或非洲一个饥饿的家庭;或帮助文加里·马塔伊(wangari mathai)倡导的"绿带运动" (green belt movement ),种植树木,中和碳排放,并帮助非洲妇女发挥潜能。

now, supporting these projects and others like them doesn't require a lot of time or money. but for the people you help and the pla*** you protect, your participation can be not just a game changer, but a life changer. global service also means promoting good governance.

we need informed citizens, both here at home and around the world, to hold their governments accountable for getting results and finding solutions.


and this is not only directed at the graduates today, but there are a lot of proud mothers and fathers and husbands and wives and grandparents and children and others who have seen you to this day. and this is an offer and a challenge to all of us. in the times that we face, we know we don’t have a person to waste, we don’t have an idea to overlook.

in fact, we have to be even more xxmitted to reaching out and crossing the divides that too often separate us. for those who have xxe to this country to celebrate a child or a friend’s graduation, please take home this message: america more than ever wants your help; in fact, needs your help as we build these new partnerships and as we seek solutions to the global crises that cannot be solved by any one people or one government alone.




we need each other. we always have. it’s just so much more apparent today.

a flu starting in one country spreads quickly around the world. an extremist ideology starting with a few people explodes across the inter***. a global financial crisis affects farmers and **all business people in every corner of the globe.

that is a new reality. but equally important is that we also now have the tools to work together to f***e this xxmon approach to these xxmon threats.




so, class of 20xx, you have an historic opportunity. every class is told that, and to some extent i suppose it is always true. but just in the course of this xxmencement ceremony, you’ve heard several references to the global economic crisis.

the times that you are graduating in are, yes, perhaps more difficult and somewhat more daunting. but that’s when we really rise together. one of the best lines from one of my favorite baseball movies, a league of their own – (applause) – said it well, “if it were easy, anybody could do it.


应该承认,你毕业的时代可能会更艰难,在某种意义上,会更令人望而生畏。然而,这正是需要我们共同挺身而出的时候。我不禁想起一部我喜爱的关于棒球的影片,(a league of their own),其中一句精彩的台词 ── (掌声) ── 说得真好,"如果没有困难,任何人都能做到"。

you know, when the yankees moved in to their old stadium next door in 1923, there was only person on the roster from west of st. louis. their team mostly looked the same, talked the same, and came from the same kind of cities and towns and rural areas across america.

think about the team that plays in this new stadium. it includes players from mexico, japan, taiwan, panama, four other countries. the dominican republic alone is home to seven yankees.

in the same way, nyu has evolved as well. the university was founded to serve the city of new york. today it serves the world.


扬基队就有七名队员来自多米尼加共和国(dominican republic)。同样,纽约大学也在演变。这所学校成立的初衷时只为纽约市服务,现在是为全世界服务。

we know that there is much yet ahead that none of us can predict. there is no way to stop change. change will xxe.

what is unknown is whether it will bring progress or not. but you have done what you needed to do to get the best insurance policy you could, and that is an nyu education. (applause.

) and so armed with that education, i have every confidence that you will not only succeed by the dint of your own hard work and effort, but you will contribute far beyond your own personal needs. this is your moment. you’ve made it to the big leagues, and you are up to bat.

go out and give us a future worthy of this great university, of this great city, of this great country, and of the world we all wish to create together.


不可**的是,变化能否带来进步。但是,你已经尽了一切努力来得到最好的保证,那就是纽约大学的教育。 (掌声) 有了这样的教育,我完全相信,你们不仅可凭着你们自身的勤奋努力获得成功,而且还能为社会做出重大贡献,远远超出自身的需求。


thank you, congratulations, and godspeed. (applause.)

谢谢大家,祝贺你们,愿诸位一切平安。 (掌声)


演讲稿英文 篇14



the mid-autumn festival has all interesting history。

long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not manage the country well。

the people were so angry that some brave ones suggested killing the king。

so they wrote notes telling about the meeting place and time and put them into cakes。

on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month every person was told to buy the cakes。

when they ate them they discovered the notes。

so they gathered together to make a sudden attack on the king。

from then on the chinese people celebrate on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month and eat moon cakes in memory of that important event。

when the mid-autumn festival is near, shop windows are beautifully decorated。

many moon cakes are displayed for people to buy。

people send presents such aswine, fruits and moon cakes to their friends and relatives。

in the evening of the day, they have a feast。

after the feast, they go out to the garden to look at the moon。

the children run and laugh on the streets。

it is believed that the moon is at her brightest on this night。

many poems have been written about it, and poets are never tired of reading and writing such poems。

in chinese literature, the moon of the mid autumn festival has been compared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, and so on。

it seems that chinese literature takes far more interest in the moon than in the sun。






