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2024-10-19 英文表白句子



1、Thank you for being the anchor of our family. Happy Mother's Day!

2、You are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out. Happy Mother's Day, mom!

3、Thank you for always believing in me, mom. 感谢您一直相信我,妈妈。

4、You are my best friend, my soulmate, my everything. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

5、You're the reason I have hope for the future. Happy Mother's Day!

6、To the one who has always been my shining example of love and kindness, Happy Mother's Day!

7、Your love and care have made every moment of my life special.

8、You're the reason I have faith in humanity. Happy Mother's Day!

9、You have always been the rock that I can lean on and the light that guides me through the darkest of times. Happy Mother's Day to the most wonderful mom in the world!

10、You have shown me what it means to be a loving and devoted mother. Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing mom!

11、Mom, you are the one who has always given me the gift of love. Happy Mother's Day!

12、On this special day, I want to honor and celebrate the amazing woman who has dedicated her life to raising and nurturing me. You are my superhero, Mom!


14、Your love has shaped me into the person I am today. Happy Mother's Day!

15、Mom, you are the one who has always been my shining star. Happy Mother's Day!

16、Your love has been my anchor and shelter in life's storms. I am forever grateful for all that you do. Happy Mother's Day, mom.

17、You're the most beautiful person I know, inside and out. Happy Mother's Day!

18、You are my guardian angel, my fairy godmother, and my superhero. Happy Mother's Day!

19、You are the best mom a child could ask for. Happy Mother's Day!

20、Thank you for all the times you have lifted me up and encouraged me, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!


21、Thank you for always being my rock and my support system. Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing mom in the world!

22、A mother's love is the greatest gift one can ever receive. Happy Mother's Day to the most loving and caring mom in the world!

23、Mom, you are the one who makes life worth living. Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing mom in the world!

24、On this Mother's Day, I promise to honor your legacy by living a life that would make you proud. Thank you for everything, my beautiful and amazing mom.

25、Your love and selflessness inspire me every day. Happy Mother's Day!

26、Thank you for teaching me the most important lesson in life: love. Happy Mother's Day to the woman who exemplifies it in everything she does.

27、You are the true embodiment of grace, resilience, and unconditional love. Happy Mother's Day, mother dearest.

28、I am blessed to have a mom like you who showered me with love and care. Happy Mother's Day!

29、You have always been my rock and my source of strength. Happy Mother's Day to the best mom ever!

30、You're the greatest mom in the world. Happy Mother's Day!

31、I am blessed to have you as my mother and friend.


33、You are an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for being a role model. Happy Mother's Day to an inspiring mother.

34、Happy Mother's Day to the one who always puts her family first. Thank you for all that you do, mom!


36、Mom, you are the one who always knows how to make everything better. Happy Mother's Day!

37、Thank you for being my rock, my support, and my inspiration. Happy Mother's Day!

38、Your spirit of selflessness and compassion have inspired me to be the best version of myself. Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing mom!

39、Mom, you are the reason why our family is so strong and united. Happy Mother's Day!

40、No one can replace you, and I wouldn't want them to.


41、No matter how old I get, I will always need my mom. I love you.

42、Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for our family. Happy Mother's Day, mom!

43、Thank you for always believing in me and encouraging me to be the best version of myself, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!

44、Your love and guidance have shaped my life in so many ways. Happy Mother's Day!

45、You are the embodiment of grace, beauty, and wisdom. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

46、As a mother, you have been my guiding light and my role model. I love you more than words can express.

47、Mom, you have taught me the true meaning of resilience and perseverance. Happy Mother's Day!

48、You are the reason I believe in myself and in the goodness of the world.

49、You have always been there for me when I needed you most, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing woman I know!

50、Happy Mother's Day to the woman who has given me everything I need and more.

51、You are the glue that holds our family together. Happy Mother's Day to the best mom out there!

52、You have been my teacher, my mentor, and my role model. Thank you for being an amazing mother. Happy Mother's Day!

53、Mom, you are the one who has always been my pillar of strength. Happy Mother's Day!

54、Your love has been a light in my life, and I am grateful for your unwavering support. Happy Mother's Day!

55、I love you more than words can express.


57、Your strength, kindness, and patience inspire me every day. I am blessed to have you as my mother.

58、Your love and guidance have led me through life's toughest challenges. Happy Mother's Day!

59、Mom, you have always been my rock and my constant support. Happy Mother's Day!

60、Mom, you are the glue that holds our family together. Happy Mother's Day!


61、Thank you for always being my guiding light and for never giving up on me.



64、You are a true hero to me, mom. 您对我来说是一位真正的英雄,妈妈。

65、You have taught me so much about love, resilience, and compassion. I am proud to call you my mother. Happy Mother's Day!

66、Thank you for being my rock, my confidante, and my unwavering source of love and support. Happy Mother's Day!

67、Thank you, Mom, for being my rock and my inspiration. I love you. Happy Mother's Day!

68、You have been my friend, my confidant, and my role model. Thank you for being an amazing mother. Happy Mother's Day!

69、You're my sunshine on a cloudy day. Happy Mother's Day!


71、Your love has taught me to be kind, generous, and compassionate. Happy Mother's Day.

72、love is the greatest 刷新ment in life. 爱情是生活最好的提神剂。


74、Thank you, Mom, for always being there for me. Happy Mother's Day!

75、You have given me the greatest gift of all - your love. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!


77、You are my rock, my pillar of strength, and my safe haven. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

78、Your love has been a constant source of inspiration and comfort to me.

79、Your love and compassion have made a huge impact on the world. Happy Mother's Day!

80、Your love and care are the fuel that propels me forward. Happy Mother's Day!


81、Mom, you have given so much to our family without asking for anything in return. Happy Mother's Day!

82、I may not show it often, but I love you more than words can say. Happy Mother's Day.

83、Your love and guidance have made me who I am today. Happy Mother's Day!

84、You have been my friend, my mentor, and my role model. Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing mom!


86、You have always been my biggest cheerleader and my shining star. Thank you for showing me unconditional love. Happy Mother's Day!

87、Your love, strength and resilience have inspired me to be the best version of myself. Thank you for being my mother. Happy Mother's Day!


89、Today, we celebrate the women who have given us life, love, and endless support.

90、You are the epitome of grace, kindness, and love, Mom. Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing woman I know.

91、You're the calm in my storm. Happy Mother's Day!


93、I am blessed to have you as my mother. 我被您作为我的母亲所祝福。

94、Your love has been the anchor that keeps me grounded, the sail that propels me forward, the rudder that steers me in the right direction. Happy Mother's Day to the best mom in the world!

95、Thank you for being the source of my happiness and the bedrock of our family. Happy Mother's Day to the best mom ever!

96、No matter where I go, I know that your love will follow me forever. Happy Mother's Day to my loving mother!

97、You have the ability to make the ordinary extraordinary. Thank you for bringing joy into our lives. Happy Mother's Day.

98、Happy Mother's Day to the woman who has always been my hero.


100、I am constantly in awe of your strength and resilience. Happy Mother's Day to a true warrior.


101、Mom, you are the one who makes life a beautiful journey. Happy Mother's Day!

102、You are not just a mother, you are a friend, a confidant, and a mentor. Happy Mother's Day to a mother who wears many hats.



105、Your love and tenderness are unmatched, and I am grateful for everything you do.

106、You are the most beautiful, loving, and extraordinary mother in the world. Happy Mother's Day, and may your day be as special as you are.

107、You are my rock-solid foundation, my unwavering support, my never-ending source of love and guidance. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

108、Thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for me. Happy Mother's Day to the most wonderful mom in the world!

109、Mom, you have always put our needs before your own. Today, we celebrate you and all that you do for us.

110、Your love and devotion have been the foundation of our family, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!

111、To the most wonderful mother in the world, happy Mother's Day!

112、You are the most selfless and kind-hearted person I know. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

113、I am grateful for every moment we have spent together.

114、Mom, you have always been my biggest supporter and cheerleader. Happy Mother's Day!

115、Thank you for being my protector and my guardian angel, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!

116、Your love, support, and guidance are truly appreciated, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!

117、Your love has been the rock upon which my life is built, the foundation that supports my dreams, the bedrock that anchors my soul. Happy Mother's Day to the best mom in the world!

118、Your love and support have given me the strength to face life's challenges. Thank you for being the best mother in the world. Happy Mother's Day!

119、I love you more than words can express, mom. 我爱您胜过言语可以表达的。

120、You inspire me to be the best I can be every day. Happy Mother's Day to my hero!


121、Happy Mother's Day to my favorite person in the world!

122、You have shown me what it means to be strong and courageous. Happy Mother's Day to a warrior of a mother.

123、You are more than a mother to me - you are my best friend. Happy Mother's Day!

124、Thank you for always believing in me, even when I don't believe in myself. Happy Mother's Day!

125、You've done more for me than I can ever repay. Happy Mother's Day!

126、Your sacrifices and unwavering support have been the backbone of my life. Happy Mother's Day to the best mom ever!

127、You have always been my biggest supporter and cheerleader. Thank you for being an amazing mother. Happy Mother's Day!

128、To my dear mom, Happy Mother's Day! You are the one who has shaped me into who I am today.

129、You've always had my back, no matter what. Thank you for being my rock. Happy Mother's Day!

130、You are more than a mother to me, you are my best friend and role model. I love you.

131、你给了我最大的礼物 - 你的爱。谢谢你是世界上最好的母亲。母亲节快乐!

132、Your love and care are the shield that protects me from harm. Happy Mother's Day to the most wonderful mom in the world!



135、Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for always being there for me.

136、Your love has been a light in my life, and I am blessed to have you as my mother. Happy Mother's Day!

137、Your love and support have given me the confidence to overcome any obstacle. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

138、Happy Mother's Day to the woman who never stops loving and caring for her children.

139、Happy Mother's Day to the one who has always been my biggest fan and supporter.

140、Mom, you are my best friend and confidante. Thank you for always being there for me. Happy Mother's Day!


141、Your selflessness and kindness inspire me every day.

142、Your strength and resilience inspire me every day, Mom. Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day.

143、Mom, you are the glue that holds our family together. Thank you for being the best.

144、Your love is like a breath of fresh air, a spring of hope, a bud of promise. Happy Mother's Day to a mother who brings life.

145、I am blessed to have you as my mother. Happy Mother's Day!

146、Your love is the foundation of our family. Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

147、Your love and sacrifice have made our family what it is today. Happy Mother's Day!

148、I hope you realize how much you mean to me, mom. 我希望您意识到对我来说您有多么重要,妈妈。

149、Thank you for being my guiding light. Happy Mother's Day!

150、You are the most amazing mother, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Happy Mother's Day!

151、Thank you for teaching me the importance of family and the value of hard work, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!

152、Happy Mother’s Day to the best mom in the world! You mean everything to me.


154、You are the embodiment of beauty, grace, and strength.

155、Mom, you are my sunshine on a cloudy day. Thank you for always being there for me. Happy Mother's Day!

156、Your love and sacrifice are what make you a true superhero in my eyes. Happy Mother's Day!

157、Your love and care are the foundation of my life. Happy Mother's Day to the most wonderful mom in the world!

158、To the one who has always been my support system, Happy Mother's Day!

159、No matter how old I get, I will always need my mother's love and guidance. Happy Mother's Day to my forever hero!

160、Thank you for being a positive influence in my life. 感谢您对我生命中的积极影响。


161、Your love has been my constant companion through life's journey. Thank you for being an amazing mother. Happy Mother's Day!

162、You've always been there with open arms and a listening ear. I am blessed to have such an amazing mother in my life.

163、Your unwavering support and encouragement have been the foundation of my life. Happy Mother's Day to the best mom ever!

164、Thank you for instilling in me the values of love and kindness. Happy Mother's Day mom.

165、Being a mother is a tough job, but you make it look effortless. Thank you for all that you do.


167、Thank you for always having a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!

168、You have always put our needs before your own. Thank you for being a selfless mother. Happy Mother's Day.

169、Happy Mother's Day to the one who has always been my sunshine on a rainy day.

170、From the bottom of my heart, I want to express how much you mean to me. You are the most amazing mother, and I am grateful for all that you do.

171、I thank God every day for blessing me with a mother like you. Your love is the greatest gift of all.

172、You are my light in the darkness, my hope in the face of adversity, my faith in the unknown. Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing mom in the world!


174、You have made our house a home filled with warmth and love. Happy Mother's Day to a loving mother.

175、You have made me a better person in every way.

176、Your love and support have been the foundation of my life, and I am grateful for every moment we share. Happy Mother's Day!

177、Your love has been my safety net, my parachute, my lifeline. Happy Mother's Day to the best mom out there!


179、Your love and care are the treasure that I will always hold dear. Happy Mother's Day!

180、Thank you for being my confidante and my friend, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!


181、You are the epitome of grace and kindness.


183、Your love has been a source of inspiration and motivation in my life. Thank you for being an amazing mother. Happy Mother's Day!


185、You've always been there, no matter what. Thank you for being the best mom in the world. Happy Mother's Day!

186、Thank you for always putting your family first and making us feel loved and valued. Happy Mother's Day, mom!

187、You have taught me the true value of family and the importance of unconditional love, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!

188、Thank you for being my superhero, my guardian angel, and my role model. Happy Mother's Day to the most amazing mom in the world!

189、Your love and guidance have helped me become the person I am today. Happy Mother's Day mom.

190、Your love has been a constant in my life and I am blessed to call you my mother. Happy Mother's Day!

191、You are more than a mother, you are my best friend. Happy Mother's Day!

192、To the one who has always shown me the true meaning of sacrifice, Happy Mother's Day!


194、You are a true hero, Mom. Thank you for everything you do for me and our family.

195、You're the one person I can always count on. Happy Mother's Day!

196、Mom, you have always been my pillar of strength and my greatest supporter. Happy Mother's Day!

197、Your love and care have brought so much joy to our lives. Happy Mother's Day!

198、Your love and wisdom have made me the person I am today. Happy Mother's Day!

199、Mom, you have taught me to be strong, resilient and compassionate. Your wisdom and guidance have helped me navigate through life's challenges. I am forever grateful.

200、Your unwavering love and support have helped me overcome every obstacle in life. I am blessed to have you as my mother, and I thank you for everything you've done for me.






